Kaminari screamed back at him with despair still clinging to him. "If you really feel bad for us, then just like, bring stuff back for us!" Suddenly, the conversation was disrupted by the classroom door slamming open. Aizawa adjusting his glasses, still reluctant to put contacts in as usual. "All of you brats, in your seats." He sulked up to his podium, looking at them all to make sure everyone was in their seat before speaking.

    "Morning. Unfortunately, there are some who did not complete or pass the Final Exam. Accordingly, for the training camp in the woods... everyone's going!" Aizawa exclaimed the last part, with his forever creepy grin.

     There was an explosion of joy from the four who failed, Mina crying in happiness

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     There was an explosion of joy from the four who failed, Mina crying in happiness. Izuku raised his hand and Aizawa pointed at him, obviously to inquire about this oddity. "Uncle Zawa, how come?" Aizawa's eyebrows furrowed, he still sort of hated the nickname, despite it striking his soft spot. "First of all, I told you to stop that crap. Secondly, none of you in this class failed the written exam. Those who failed the Practical Exam were Kirishima, Kaminari, Mina, Sato, and Sero."

    Sero immediately facepalmed and groaned in self-pity, "Of course! I knew it.." Aizawa continued, watching his pitiful student. "For this time's exam, we on the villain side decided to leave a way for you fools to win, while watching to see how you'd handle the situation you were given. If we hadn't most of you would've been stuck right from the beginning. When we said we were out to crush you. It was only to make you feel cornered."

    He continued, still, "The Training Camp is for you all to get stronger. Those who failed the exam need it the most." Adjusting his glasses, he grinned devilishly again, "It was a rational falsehood." Iida quite literally vibrated as he clenched his fists, "I was tricked again! As expected of U.A... "

    Our blue-haired friend jumped from his seat with a hand in the air, "However, since you lied to us twice, our faith in you will waver!" Aizawa nodded, "I'll consider that." Ochako sticking her head out from behind him, "Kind of a wet blanket, Iida.." Their teacher shrugged and nodded, agreeing with Ochako's statement. He went on, "But Failure is Failure. We have prepared extra lessons for you all. Frankly, it's going to be even tougher than the lessons you'd get if you stayed here." That one sentence destroyed the confidence of the five who failed.

Later this afternoon

    Izuku stood with Iida and Kaminari. Reading over their pamphlets for the training camp they were to attend. Iida mumbling just loud enough for them to hear, "A week of training camp, huh?" Izuku nodded, "We'll probably have to bring a good amount of stuff then, won't we?" Kaminari nodded, "I don't even have bathing trunks or anything. I'm gonna have to buy a BUNCH of stuff!"

    Hagakure spoke up with an idea of hers, "Oh, then since we're all off tomorrow, and we just finished our exams, why doesn't Class 1-A go out shopping together?!" She exclaimed the last part with an invisible smile. Kaminari nodded, "Yeah! That'd be like the first time we all hung out together or something right?!" Ochako nodded in agreement with the class dunce, Kirishima pointing at Katsuki who was trying to escape. "You come to, Bakubro!" 

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