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(A/N: It's finally here! Chapter Fifteen and my Christmas Break has begun! *Sees downpour of comments* Oh god wait no, please! *Killed by comments...enjoy!*)

Izuku's POV

    My mind was going thousands of miles an hour, Ochako-sa-...I mean...Ochako had just kissed me! This is like a dream come true. She smiled up at me and I smiled back, blushing hard. "So, Izuukkkuuu~..." She giggled as I blushed, "Does this mean we're dating?" I stuttered out, "I-I gu-guess..." We eventually separated and she blew me a kiss as she ran off, blushing. "Bye, Izuuu!" I immediately began running home, I knew almost nothing about girls...Only Mom can save me now.

Ochako's POV

    I ran off after blowing him a kiss and giggling a ton. My face was super red as I ran home, I got to my house after a couple of minutes of running. I ran into the door and slammed it behind me, my face red, and flushed as I panted. This loud interruption gained the attention of my parents, Naomi and Matsuda Uraraka. (A/N: Since the Japanese VA for Uraraka's Father is named Matsuda and there are no other good name ideas. I will use that!) The rosy-cheeked woman that was my mother came up to me, "Ochako, dear. What seems to be the problem? Are you alright? You're really red..." Dad came up to me and pressed the back of his hand on my forehead, "And quite hot..are you sick?" I shook my head no and my mom asked, "Then what is it, sweetie?" I fiddled with my fingers, "W-Well...I like a boy..a-and I confessed..." Mom had her hands clasped around her mouth and Dad asked, "And?"

    I continued, "A-And...he felt the same..and then I kissed his cheek and ran away.." My cheeks grew redder as my mother shook my shoulders, "My baby girl has a boyfriend!!" My father seemed skeptical about this boy I had mentioned and asked me sternly, "More importantly...who is this boy?" I gulped and said quietly, "I-Izuku..." My mother seemed shocked, "T-The Yagi boy?" Dad smirked, "All Might's boy, huh? Go for it, he's a good kid." I felt a bit calmed and then he put his hand onto my shoulder, "Ochako. If he ever harms you.." I immediately stopped his train of thought, "N-No! Dad! He wouldn't do that...he's too nervous to do most things." I eventually got them to calm down and I escaped them, being able to escape to my room to spend my weekend.

One Weekend Later

Monday Morning

Third-Person POV

    Class 1-A was waiting in a train station, all the students holding suitcases with their seat number on it with their hero costumes inside. Aizawa looked up at them all, "You all have your costumes, tickets, and per diem, right?" They all nodded and he adjusted his glasses, "Remember you can't wear these in public until you're on the job. Don't drop them." Mina squealed out, "Yessir!" He sighed, "Ashido. Speak clearly, it's 'yes, sir'." She corrects her speaking while everyone chuckled, "Yes, sir..." "That goes for all of you, make sure you mind your manners on this internship. Off with you now." As the group began to disperse, Izuku ran up to Aizawa and hugged him, "See you in a week, Uncle." The black-haired teacher sighed but showed no signs of aggression as he responded, "Please stop calling me that." Izuku looked up at him, smiling. "Never." He let go of his teacher and walked to his train, and noticed someone following him. He turned to see Ochako there and smiled a little. "H-Hi Ochako.." He was a bit pink. She walked closer, "Hope you're okay on your internship." Izuku smiled, "I'll be alright." The bubbly brown-headed girl kissed his cheek and ran off with him red, "Bye, Izuku!"

    He touched his cheek as his red face faded and then a voice startled him, "I saw that." He turned to his left and saw Aizawa looking right at him. Izuku was mortified, "U-Uncle Za-Zawa?!" "Kid, you walked like 20 feet. Of course, I saw." Izuku was frozen and the teacher smirked while pulling out his phone, "I'm telling your Mother and All Might." Izuku rushed up to him, "Nononononononononononono! I wanna do that! Please no!" Aizawa sighed, he could expel an entire class but he couldn't do this? Izuku gave him puppy eyes and Aizawa put his phone away, "Fine you brat, but if I see you two on-campus and conducting PDA then I won't hesitate." Izuku smiled and hugged his teacher again, "Thanks!" Aizawa just pats his head, "Alright. Alright. Let go before a journalist sees me being soft. Now get on your train." Izuku nodded and ran off with Aizawa thinking, 'How'd he get a girlfriend before me?'

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