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(A/N: Yikes. I usually write these chapters so fast, but I've been enjoying my Thanksgiving Break from school and taking some time of the day to write this freaking MONSTER of a chapter. Expect the next chapter and maybe even ~Eleven~ to be super long as well. I hope you have a fun time reading!

Class 1-A, 12:50 p.m.

Third-Person POV

    Everyone was back in their seats for Basic Heroics. The media having been taken off of campus and the alarm now ceased. "Alright you brats, this class has turned into a class with three instructors, All Might, Me, and one other person." Sero raised his hand to get Aizawa's attention and asked out, "Excuse me! What will we be doing?" Aizawa holds up a card with blue words on it, "Today we'll be doing Rescue Training. Disasters, Shipwrecks, and everything in between." A bunch of the students smiled with Kaminari whispering to Mina, "Looks like it'll be a lot of work this time, too." Kirishima commented on his assumption, "Idiot, this is the duty of a hero! My arms are ready to rumble!" Asui put in her own comment from her seat next to Kirishima. "No one can beat me in the water, ribbit." 

    Aizawa interrupted their little conversations, "Hey, I'm not done yet, idiots. You can decide on whether to wear your gym uniform or hero costume. The training will take place off-campus, we'll be taking a bus there." Aizawa clicks a button on a remote and that same section of the walls opened again. "If you want your costumes, grab it."

Outside of U.A.

   Izuku was making the final adjustments to his costume as he put it on and was approached by Ochako. "Hey, Deku-kun! I'm excited about this rescue training! What about you?" Izuku nodded, "Mmh, this'll be fun." They heard a whistle from the bus and saw Iida there. Ochako smirked, "Man, Iida's going full throttle with this President thing." Once they got on the bus Izuku was a little weirded out, "Hm didn't think it'd be this kinda bus."

    Asui turned to Izuku, "Hey Yagi

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

    Asui turned to Izuku, "Hey Yagi." Izuku was a little confused by her suddenly saying his name, "Um, yes Asui?" "Call me Tsu." "R-Right..." She continued on, "No wonder your Quirk looked like All Might's, you're his son." Kirishima interrupted her, "Yeah, it's nice to have a simple, augmenting type Quirk. You can do lots of flashy stuff! But if you're talking about flashy or strong, it's gotta be Bakugo or Todoroki, huh?" Tsu then immediately and bluntly says, "Bakugo's always mad, so he doesn't seem like he'll be popular." Katsuki immediately stood up and yelled at Tsu, "What the hell?! You wanna fight me or something ya frog?!" She just points at him, "See?" Kaminari agrees with her by adding on, "Yeah. We barely know each other, so it's amazing that everyone already knows his personality is crap dipped in sewage." Everyone seemed impressed by that smart insult that Kaminari said and Katsuki yelled some more. "What's with that vocabulary, bastard?! I'll kill you!"

    Yaoyorozu sitting next to Ochako just covered her mouth in shock, "Such a vulgar conversation." Ochako just smiled at her, "But I like this stuff, too. It's funny." At that moment, Aizawa addressed the class. "Shut your yaps, we're here. No messing around." They all yelled back, "Yes, sir!" Soon, the bus parked at a large dome-like building with a pro hero in an astronaut costume was standing at the stairs for them. "Everyone, I have been waiting for you." Izuku squealed out in excitement, "It's the Space Hero: Thirteen! The gentlemanly hero who has rescued tons of people from disasters!" Katsuki just sighed and facepalmed, "Thank you, nerd." Ochako was squealing with Izuku and giggling, "I love Thirteen! Can I hug you?!" The space hero just laughed it off, "Sorry but no. Let us head inside!" The class walked inside, following Thirteen. Once they got in they were 'wowed' by all of the space and different types of disasters to get involved with at this place.  One of them even commented, "Wow, it looks like Universal Studios Japan!" 

Father and Son (Dadmight AU)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat