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(A/N: I'm back with a new chapter! First Chapter of the new decade! Welcome to the world, 2020s!)

Hosu City

Izuku's POV

    I was running through the streets, looking for Gran Torino. Gosh, where could he be?! What's with that Nomu? If he's got the same crazy power as Nomu from USJ, it won't just be the heroes, the whole city'll be in danger! I stopped running as a bus flung toward me and hit a car. Skidding to a stop and exploding right in front of me. In the flames I could see, one..two...wait, THREE NOMU?! A flying one, a big muscular one, and the one from the train! Then I heard a voice coming from a hero who broke a fire hydrant, "Manual! Take out the fire!" There I saw Iida's internship hero, Manual. But where was Iida?!

    I could hear Manual grumble out in irritation and panic, "Why did you choose a time like this to go off somewhere, Tenya?!" Iida went off somewhere? At a time like this? Even with how diligent Iida is? I was snapped out of my thinking by a female hero, "Hey! Get out of the way!" I just stuttered back, "S-Sorry!" I moved back, still thinking. 'It's so weird for Iida to run off with such a major incident in front of him.' Then I began piecing it together in my mind, 'Hosu City....Nomus...Iida...Hosu...Hero Killer....Don't tell me!

Third-Person POV

     Iida attacked the Hero Killer, he swung a powered kick and the villain jumped over him. "Ingenium? You're brothers, huh? In order to let news of me spread...I let him live." Stain retaliated with a kick to Iida's right shoulder, the spikes in his shoe stabbing the boy. Using this, Stain slammed him into the ground face-first, "You're weak.." Iida looked up at the villain full of rage, seeing Stain raise his sword as his own eyes widened. Without hesitation, the Hero Killer stabbed Iida in the left shoulder with the sword. Iida let out a howl in pain, Stain continuing his speech. "You and your brother, are weak. Because you're fakes." 

    Iida interrupted him, "Shut up, villain! He's paralyzed from the waist down due to spinal cord damage! He can't be a hero anymore! Tensei is an excellent hero who saved many people....and led them until now... There's no reason for you to crush him..." 


    Iida sat at the dinner table, eating as he watched his older brother and father converse.  "Tensei, I'm very proud of you," His father spoke. "You became independent at such a young age, with many sidekicks who follow you. That's not an easy feat." 

    Tensei smiled, "It's not that they follow me, Dad. It's rather the opposite. I can't do anything by myself, yet, so they're supporting me. I need to work hard to return the favor, too.  I'm not that talented or anything, but I have to live up to the name of a hero. I'm glad that my work helps many people."

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    Iida teared up, "He's my hero...He was an excellent hero who gave me a dream! I won't forgive you...I'll kill you!" Stain just shrugged this off, "Save him first," he said pointing to Native. "Reflect on yourself and save others. Don't use your power for yourself. Being taken in by the hatred before you and trying to fulfill your own desires...That is the furthest from what a hero should be. That is why you'll die.." Stain pulled the sword out of Iida, bringing the blade up to his face and licking the blood. As soon as this happened, Iida felt a freeze in his nervous system. He was paralyzed. Iida panicked in his mind, 'M-My body won't move...' Stain rose his sword over the boy once more, "Goodbye. You're just an offering to a more just world." Iida teared up again, feeling the end coming. His brother's words running through his mind, "If you admire me, Tenya, then I might become an amazing hero." Before he could be killed he yelled out, "No matter what you say, you are the criminal who hurt my brother!!"

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