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(A/N: If you're getting sick of the childhood Izuku chapters. |Like how could you not love them?| Then, don't  fear because after ~Three~ the story of My Hero Academia will begin from this story's perspective. Warning: Description of a Gorey Scene. If you wish not to see I recommend skipping the first 750 words.)

Yagi Residence, Musutafu

Third-Person POV

Age Eight

    Izuku was walking in the door of his home in his school uniform, his iconic yellow backpack, and red sneakers on. He was greeted by his mother, smiling at him. "How was your day, Izuku?" The eight-year-old smiled at his mother, "It was cool, Mom. Third Grade was normal as usual." He removed his sneakers and left them by the door, afterward he looked around and behind his mother. "Where's Dad?" The green-haired woman pets his head, "Oh he's at work. Probably in his agency doing paperwork. All he told me was that he had a raid today." 

    "Ooh! Maybe I can watch some video of it if any civilians captured it!" Izuku moved to sprint to his room but was stopped by his mother's arm. "Nope, homework first." He groaned and huffed, "I love homework and studying..but why?" "Because of your mother, Mister. Homework first, then you can be a fanboy and obsess over heroes." Izuku whined at Inko in embarrassment, "Mooommm! I'm not a fanboy!" She just rolled her eyes and Izuku ran off to his room, blushing a tad. 

    He sat down at his desk, setting his yellow backpack down and opening it. He takes out a folder with History homework in it. His assignment was a multiple choice on the beginning of quirks. Izuku took out his pencil and began working. Soon finishing after about 10 minutes. He then turned on his computer and saw a headliner on the news. Live footage, 'All Might battles Terrifying Villain'. The boy looked excited and curious as he clicked on the video. Seeing footage from a helicopter. He could see a couple of destroyed blocks and streets. "M-Mom?" 

    She walked into the room and looked at the computer. "O-Oh my...what has your Father gotten himself into this time?" Izuku shrugged and they both watched. Inko picked her head up, hearing distant noises and helicopters. "W-Wait a moment...he's here." After a moment of shock, they both turned back to the screen to watch.

Somewhere in Musutafu

    Standing in a destroyed section of Musutafu was All Might in a torn costume, a bit bloody and his nemesis, All For One. Who was standing there with white hair, gray eyes, and a torn suit. "Oh? You've torn my suit, All Might. Now I'm a little peeved. Surely, you can put up a better fight than say......Nana Shimura?" This made All Might's blood boil, his anger rising as he mentioned his deceased predecessor.  "D-Don't you talk about her! You monster!" From the news helicopter, the reporters debated on what they were talking about. On the other side of the screen, Izuku and Inko gasped as they saw how unharmed his enemy was and how harmed he was.  The two continued to watch intently as the camera zoomed back in.

    "Why not? It was so much fun to kill her. Felt so good, just like killing all of the other holders. Now, I'll kill you and finish the job." All Might began seeing red, possibly blood dripping over his eye or from anger. Maybe both. He thought about Inko and Izuku, not wanting to leave this world. All For One looked at his face of rage and anger, "What happened to that iconic smile?" He pushed his thumbs up to his own face, creating a smile while laughing maniacally. "Shut up!!" All Might charged him and All For One caught his fists and used a variety of quirks on his right arm...and to the horror of Inko and Izuku. All For One punched a HOLE into the left side of the Symbol of Peace. All Might grabbed his head with the last bit of strength he had and crushed All For One's head before falling over. The news feed cut out due to explicit content.  

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