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(A/N: The Aftermath of Hero Killer: Stain! How will this affect these three young men's internships? Find out right now.)

Hosu General Hospital


Third-Person POV

    The three sat in a shared hospital room. Todoroki spoke up, "Were you able to sleep last night, Yagi?" The green-haired one sighed, "No, not really..this gash on my arm is quite bothersome...he got me good." Iida joined the conversation, "Me neither..it's hard to sleep with two arms that are bundled up.." Izuku looked up at the ceiling and thought aloud, "You know, thinking about it, we did something amazing didn't we?" At the same time, Todoroki and Iida said the same thing, "You mean YOU did something amazing." "Eh?!," was all Izuku responded with. 

    Todoroki sighed, "Yagi, you took him out with three moves..." Iida interjected, "Four if you count the first punch." The smallest male stammered, "Bu-But! You guys helped!" "No." Iida interrupted Izuku, "All I did was become blinded by anger and do something irresponsible." Todoroki shook his head, "You were brave though. It's impressive that you stared down that extreme murderous intent, and Yagi. If he wanted to kill you, he could've when you were caught by the Nomu, which he killed without hesitation."

    Izuku thought about this, "Hmm...so what you're saying is he let me go?" Iida nodded in agreement with Todoroki, "He did talk about how this world is full of fake heroes...possibly he saw you as worthy or something similar?" "Oh, that might be it, Iida!" 

    Todoroki just shrugged, "It's not all surprising." "Why not, Todoroki-Kun?" "Yagi, you're the son of All Might. The greatest hero this world has seen in a century..you might even end up stronger. Of course, you're worthy."  They were interrupted by the pro heroes, Manuel and Gran Torino at the door, Torino speaking. "Oi, you wounded kids awake?"

    Izuku smiled, "Gran Torino!" Iida looked down and away from Manuel, ashamed. Gran Torino turned to Izuku, "I got a lot of complaints about you, kid." Izuku was about to apologize but was interrupted, "First. You got a visitor." The teens looked at the doorway as a humanoid dog walked into the room, Kenji Tsuragamae, the Hosu Chief of Police. Iida and Todoroki immediately rose to their feet, but Izuku was a bit flustered and stood late. The chief just said, "You can stay seated, woof."

    He continued with a question, "You must be the ones who defeated the Hero Killer? Or should I say, participated...as only one of you beat him." They nodded, Izuku could feel all eyes on him. "You," he pointed to Todoroki. "You can relax, I'm not here for you. You merely assisted them in securing the pro hero, Native. I'm here about these two, Izuku Yagi and Tenya Iida, I presume." The blue and green-haired boys nodded.

    "When we arrested the Hero Killer. He was found to have quite the head injury. He wasn't a very strong lad, woof. He's known for taking just one person at a time, usually by surprise. Mr. Yagi's punch here made him crack his skull against the pavement, giving him a concussion too. He'll be fine though. Mr. Iida here, I heard that he had separated from Manuel. Specifically seeking this villain for revenge only to fail. Even against a villain such as him, for uncertified individuals to cause injury with their Quirks without specific instructions by their guardians or supervisors is a clear violation of the rules." 

    Izuku and Iida bowed at the same time, apologizing for violating the law, admitting their fault before the chief interrupted them. "No need...you've been pardoned by the Mayor of Hosu City, woof. You saved the city from further harm to its heroes. Pro Hero Endeavor will be given the arrest credit, however, but I doubt the truth will be held for long. I am supposed to give this letter to Izuku Yagi." The dog-human Chief of Police pulled out a white envelope out of his back pocket. Handing it to the boy. "I'd also rather not arrest such promising young heroes, good day, woof."

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