Another movie night

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Harry was setting up the pillow fort while Malfoy and I were getting the snacks. I was grabbing some chips when I finally decided to ask the question that's been bugging me all day.

"When I woke up, why were you in my bed when there was another bed on the other side of the room?" I asked as I looked over at him.

"Oh yeah, I knew you were going to ask about it. Well, you had a nightmare when I first put you in the bed, so I, uh, I pulled you into my arms and held you until you stopped crying. And when I tried to go back to the other bed, you started to whimper again. So I laid down in your bed with you and held you all night." By the end, he was blushing, looking down, and rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oh Dra- Malfoy, that's so sweet of you. You didn't have to do that. But thank you." I said. I smiled warmly at him before walking over to him. I nudged him with my shoulder. "Come on. Harry said he was going to pick a horror movie."

"Okay." He grabbed the three bottles of butterbeer and followed me upstairs. "What movie is it Potter?"

"It." He faked an evil laugh and smirked when the blood ran from my face.

"No Harry! Please not that one!" I moaned. I hated that movie because I always screamed and cried. Sorry, but it was fudging scary!

"Why?" Malfoy asked, looking at me as we sat down on the floor with Harry.

"Oh, Hermione just hates it because, and I quote, 'It's to scary' " He made his voice squeaky when he quoted me.

"Can we please watch a different movie? I'm not in the mood to scream every two minutes." I groaned.

"You know, I actually want to watch this one. It sounds fun." Malfoy said, laughing with Harry when I pouted.

"Fine, but when I scream and cry, you have to calm me down!" I said, throwing my hands up in defeat. The three of us laid down, I was in the middle, Harry on my left, Malfoy on my right. We had a bowl of popcorn in front of us. I had a blue pillow in front of me to scream in. Every time I did scream, Malfoy would put his arm on my back and rub it until whatever I was screaming at ended. 

~~No one's Pov~~
(And I'm going to call everyone by their first name's)

Draco was rubbing Hermione's back when he realized she was asleep. Harry looked over and smirked at Draco. "I know you want to. Go ahead. But just to let you know, my right hook is just as good as her's." Harry said, smirking when Draco flinched slightly before pulling Hermione into his arms. She was snoring slightly which he just found adorable. She rolled over so she was facing him. She snuggled into his chest, wrapping her arms around his torso. Harry smiled at how happy his best friend looked, even if she was sleeping.

Harry turned off the movie, and quickly fell asleep. He was curled up in a ball, his back resting on Hermione's. Draco put his head so his chin was above Hermione's and quickly fell asleep.

Once again, the three adults came in and checked on the teenagers. They smiled when they saw the three sleeping peacefully together. "So, it's 10 gallons for whoever wins this bet, right?" Cissa asked as she quietly closed the door.

"Yep." Voldy said, popping the 'p'. "Goodnight." He smiled before walking to their wing.

"You know, I think I'm going to drop some clues tomorrow." Lucius said as he walked with his wife, following the Dark Lord.

"What do you mean Lucius?" Cissa asked.

"I mean, I'm going to tell Hermione what Draco has told me about her. Tell her how he always used to brag about her being the brightest witch of their age. And how he always admired her bushy hair." Lucius smiled as they walked into their room.

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