Malfoy Manor

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"Wait, look." he whispered as he pointed to the paper. I turned back to the paper and I gasped.

The paper was blank, and sitting on the table, but there was a bluish silver figure, hunched over the paper, writing it out. Harry and I walked around the table to see the figure better. All the blood drained from our faces when we saw who the figure was. Molly Weasley stood over the paper, writing out the letter. The letter I thought a death eater wrote.

Her lips were moving, but we couldn't hear what she said because that's not how the potion worked. She finished writing the letter, and turned around, a psychotic grin on her face. Then the silvery version of Molly melted into the carpet, leaving behind two shocked and scared teenagers behind.

Harry was the first the break the silence. "What do we do know?" he looked at me, I've never seen him this scared before.

I pulled together all the strength I had left, I put on a brave face for my best friend.
And for once Hermione Jean Granger didn't have an answer, there were no book to study, no teachers to ask. There was no right or wrong answer to that question. "I don't know." She looked over at Harry, both of them wide eyed and speechless.


After 27 minutes of thinking, and avoiding all of the Weasley's, Hermione finally had an idea.

"Harry! I've got it!" I yelled, as I stopped pacing around the room. I quickly sat back down when I realized I was in his and Ron's room. Ron could come in at any minute.

"What?" he asked, looking up from his hands.

"Let's go to the Three Broomsticks incase someone comes in." I said, grabbing his hand and pulling him up off the floor.

"Alright. We have to tell someone so it doesn't look suspicious that we just left."

"Yeah." I said quietly, secretly hoping he would volunteer to tell Mrs. Weasley. I didn't want to talk to the person who called me a mudblood and who (probably) murdered my parents.

"Don't worry 'Mione, I'll go tell Mrs. Weasley." he smiled as he put an arm around my shoulders. "C'mon, let's go down stairs."

We walked down the stairs together. Harry told Mrs. Weasley the two of them were going to the book shop in muggle London and that they were going to be out pretty late. They walked to the end of the driveway before apparating to the Three Broomsticks. They walked in, Hermione leading the way. They quickly ordered butterbeers and walked to sit at their own table, away from everyone else.

"So, what's your plan?" Harry asked as they sat down, side by side.

"Well, I think we should see if their lying about anything else."

"How would we find out? Their probably really careful about that kind of stuff. Plus, it's not like they would tell us, or talk about it when we could hear, intentionally or by accident."

"Yeah. We could ask Malfoy, see if the Order has been lying about those guys too. I mean, why would they kill my parents, and frame death eaters for it?"

"I don't know 'Mione. They could lie to us, thinking that we're just trying to spy. Or they could kill us." he said carefully. He was quiet before he went on. "But, it sounds like a good plan. What else could we do? Let's go find Malfoy."We got up and paid for our butterbeers before walking out. 

"Hermione, do you think Ron and Ginny knew?" Harry asked quietly while we looked for Malfoy.

"I don't know. I hope not, but we can't know for sure." I whispered. I looked up into his green eyes, they were filled with regret and fear.

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