We made our decision

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I slipped some Veritaserum into their drink's, casting a silencing charm on the room again.

I got straight to the point, "So, did you guys know about my parents before today?" I asked casually, like we were walking about the weather.

"Yeah, mum told us she was going to do it a week ago." Ron said, not missing a beat. he got a really shocked look on his face, realizing who he had told.

"Ginny?" I asked, my voice breaking.

"Yeah, I knew. I was mad that mum wouldn't let me come though." She folded her arms across her chest, clearly angry.

"Is there anything else you've been lying to us about?" Harry asked.

"Yes, the Dark lord didn't kill your parents, we don't know for sure who did, but it wasn't him. Oh, and on that first day we meet, it was on purpose that you were late. My mum did it on purpose so you would trust us." Ron said, not caring that he was telling them anymore.

"Did you ever really care about us? As friends?" I asked, scolding myself for letting a few tears escape and roll down my checks.

"At first, but when mum told us what the Order was really doing and the Dark Lords real plans. Then we didn't really care about what happened to you." Ginny said, getting over her anger from earlier.

"Is the whole family involved in this?" Harry asked, hoping he hasn't been lied to this whole time.

"Yep." Ron smirked.

"I think it's time Harry." I looked at him. He just nodded and obliviated Ron while I did Ginny. We talked about some more stuff, keeping them until the veritaserum wore off completely. Then I kicked Ron and Harry out, I nodded at Harry. Making sure he saw so he could send a letter to Voldy. I sighed as I laid down on the bed.

"You okay 'Mione?" Ginny asked softly, sounding nothing like she did earlier when she was under the impression of the veritaserum.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I just miss them Ginny. I really miss them." I cried softly into my pillow, not wanting to give her the satisfaction of seeing me cry.

"Oh it's okay! It'll get better." She sat on the said of my bed, rubbing my back. I wished it was Cissa doing that instead of Ginny.

"I know. Thanks Ginny." I hugged her before laying down and falling asleep.

~~~The next morning~~~

I woke up, Ginny was still sound asleep, snoring away. I slipped out, trying not to wake her. I went downstairs to the kitchen for a cup of coffee. I was by myself for about 3 minutes before Harry stumbled down the stairs.

"Morning 'Mione."

"Good morning Harry. Want any coffee?" I asked, holding out a mug.

"Yes please. Thanks." He said as he grabbed the mug from me, I quickly glanced around, making sure no one else was awake, before putting up a silencing charm around us.

"Did you send the letter yet?" I whispered.

"Yes, I sent Hedwig out at like, 3 in the morning, I got a reply at 4. Voldy says it's a good idea, and that Cissa is excited to see you again." he replied, sipping his coffee.

"Okay, we'll tell the others after breakfast. I can't wait to get out of here." I groan, taking the charm off of us as the twins run downstairs, laughing their heads off.

"What did you two do?" Harry groaned.

"Well, lets just say-" George started.

"-Ronniekins is awake-"

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