As we were dancing I spotted a girl eyeing me up and down. I didn't really blame her cause Louis is definitely very pleasing to the eyes.

I didn't know what to do so I just smiled and tried not to make eye contact.

After a few minutes of her staring at me she started to walk over. I tried to turn around but there was this muscular man behind me who was also eyeing me up and down.

Of course Louis would have all the girls and guys all over him. He's beautiful.

I've never been looked at like that before and it definitely intrigued me. I turned away from him and the girl was right in front of me.

Without words she just turned around and started grinding into me. I felt a bit uncomfortable but I didn't want to turn her down.

Just as I thought it all couldn't get more intense, the attractive man behind me pressed his body against mine. I was sandwiched between the two as they moved their bodies against me to the beat of the music.

I won't lie, it was actually kind of fun in the moment. I blame the loud music and the alcohol.

After dancing like that for a while the man behind me said. "We should have a three way!" Right out of nowhere. I looked at the girl who looked like she was down for the idea.


I gotta get out of here.

Before it was too late I slipped away from them as quickly as possible.

"No thanks! Uh...Bye!" I ran off to go find Zayn and Liam.

I wanted to let loose tonight but not THAT loose.

Finally I found them making out in the corner of the bar. I ran up to them and tapped on their shoulders to get their attention.

"Guys, help some people just asked me to have a threesome with me." They looked at each other and laughed. "It's not funny!" I said as I started to laugh too cause, it is kinda funny.

"I think we need more drinks." Zayn said and started to walk in the direction of the bar but Liam held him back. "Actually we should probably start heading home now." Liam said and me and Zayn tried to protest.

All of a sudden we heard the DJ stop his music to make an announcement. "Everyone clear the dance floor, someone has fainted please everyone step away."

People started moving out of the way and we took it as a sign to leave.

We hurried out of the club and took a taxi home. It was overall a pretty fun night. I never thought I would be able to handle going to a place like that and maybe it's just Louis' body but I'd be down to go again sometime.

Hopefully it will be me and Louis dancing with each other instead of two horny strangers.


(Louis' POV)

Me and Niall were sitting on the couch watching a random show on Netflix when I had a spectacular idea.

I sat up from where I was sitting and widened my eyes at Niall in excitement. "Niall! We should go clubbing!" He looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Clubbing? I've never been." My jaw dropped. "You've never been clubbing? Oh well now we HAVE to go. Come on, get up let's go." I pulled Niall up and he laughed lightly.

"Alright alright let me just grab my keys." He started to make his way to his keys but I ran in front of him and grabbed them first.

"There's no change in hell you are driving." I said and he frowned. "I think you're slowly starting to become Harry." I smiled and we walked out of the flat.

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