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Francis' Point of View
Tonight Mary is going to Tomas' room. Ugh. I hate seeing them together. Mary deserves so much better. I try to be a better person for her, so I can win her love. We've just been talking and cuddling, I don't want to pressure her into anything. I don't want her to feel like she is just a hook up. I saw Mary and Tomas dancing, I turned around and got a drink. I know she doesn't like him but I'm still jealous. "You love her, don't you?" I turned around and saw my Mother. "What?" I asked "You love her." She said "No, no I don't." I said "Francis, I've never seen you look at a girl like this. Not even with Olivia. I know my son, I can tell. Even if you want to deny it." She said "Shes going to England, I may never see her again." I said "She'll come back for you." She said "Why do you say that?" I asked "Mary is a very intelligent and powerful woman. But she is a human being, we need love and companionship. She will come back." She said "We can't get married, she's engaged." I said "Engaged isn't married, don't give up. Tomas isn't going to England with her and if her campaign to England is successful she has to stop in French Court before going to Portugal." She said "He is a wife beater, if he sees us together he will kill her." I said "I won't let that happen, Mary is like a daughter to me. No harm will come to her." She said "Especially if you've been sleeping in her chambers." She added "How did you know?" I asked "I'm Catherine De Medici, I know everything." She said "Are you mad?" I asked "No, I'm not. Just don't get her pregnant." She smiled, I did too. "I may go to bed." I said "Why?" She asked "I hate seeing them together." I said "Then go to bed." She said "Okay." I said, I made eye contact with Mary, Tomas saw and kissed her. I hate him so much. I don't want him anywhere near her. I walked up the stairs and to Mary's room. I'm going to get Sterling. He likes me. I opened her door. "Sterling." I said, he got up and ran to me. "Come on boy." I said, we walked to my room. I played with him for a while so he wasn't hyper when Mary wanted to sleep. Eventually he laid down. I sat down and started reading a book when Mary came in. She was crying. "What's wrong?" I asked "He touched me and I.. I just had to.. I had to sit there and let him." She stuttered. I looked and her dress was ripped. "It's going to be okay, come inside." I said I went over and locked the door. I put a chair under the door knob so Tomas couldn't just get the door unlocked. She laid in my bed, I went to set my hand my her arm. She flinched, I pulled my hand away. "Did he rape you?" I asked "No, he stuck his fingers inside me and groped me." She cried. "Mary is there anything I can do?" I asked, I don't know how to help. "Can you get me one of your night shirts?" She asked "Yes of course." I went over and go one from the dresser and handed it to her. I turned around and I heard her getting underdressed.  "Are you done?" I asked "Yes." She said, I went over and put layers of blankets over her. I sat on the side of the bed. "He is never going to lay a hand on you ever again." I said "Francis you can't do anything." She said "My Dad can take him on a hunting trip, and then you can leave." I said "Maybe." She said "Do you want to talk about it or no?" I asked "No, come lay with me." She said, I went to the other side of the bed and got in. "Mary." I said. "Yes?" She asked "We don't have to have sex, or do anything. We don't even have to kiss, or touch. Whatever you're comfortable with." I said "You're sweet." She stroked my cheek. She came over and laid her head on my chest. I moved my arms and wrapped them around her. She was still sniffling and I felt tears on my chest. I began stroking her hair. "Shh, it's okay. You're safe now." I whispered. I continued stroking her hair and whispering comforting words. My Mother was right. I do love her.

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