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Francis' Point of View
I'm getting ready for the ball. I'm pretty much wearing the same thing I wore all day. Mary surprised me a lot, I really did expect her to be this sheltered girl who thought we were going to have a fairy tale romance. I put a jacket on over my riding shirt and walked out. "Francis!" I turned around and saw Olivia. "Hi." I said, slipping my hands on her hips. "I missed you in my bed last night." She said, she started kissing my neck. "Mhm Olivia you know I love that but we have to go to the ball." I said "Why? The bitch can wait." She said "She isn't a bitch, she's nice." I said "Do you like her?" She asked "No, no of course not. She is just a nice girl, I don't want her to dislike her time here." I said "I haven't seen what she looks like, is she pretty?" She asked "She isn't bad looking." I said "Francis it's a yes or no question." She said "Olivia, just relax, let's go drink." I said "I love you." She said "Mhm you're beautiful." I said then kissed her. I pulled away and we walked towards the ballroom. I walked down the stairs and in a different direction than Olivia. Number one my Mother will lose her shit if she sees us together, and number two whenever she says she loves me it makes me uncomfortable. I told her I don't feel the same but she keeps saying it. I saw Mary, she had on a light purple short sleeve dress with her hair curled. She looks so pretty. I poured two glasses of wine and went over to her. "Wine?" I asked "Why would I turn down wine?" She smiled, I laughed and handed her the glass. "So how are you liking court?" I asked "Well I do like the variety of food, because oatmeal for all three meals for eight years gets a bit dull." She smiled "You're funny." I said "Glad you think so." She smiled "Are you okay?" I asked, she looks pale. "I'm fine, I probably just drank too much." She said "Okay, you should probably eat something." I said, I handed her a piece of bread. She began to eat it and Olivia came over. She kissed my cheek. "Hi love, I missed you." She smiled "Olivia this is Mary." I said "Hi nice to meet you." Mary held out her hand "Well Mary, I think one of your ladies is getting comfortable with Francis' brother." Olivia said, we both looked over and saw Bash and I guess one of Mary's ladies. "Kenna is her own person, she can make her own decisions." Mary said "Olivia that's not our business." I said "I know, just informing. Come to my rooms tonight." She smiled then bit my lip. She walked away. "Wow, you really have a way with women." Mary laughed. "I'm the next King of France, every woman is trying to bed me. They want to hold a high station." I said "It's sad that is the only way women think they can get ahead in life." She said, sipping her wine. "Majority of the women in my life are smarter than me." I laughed "Like who?" She smiled "My mom, my sister, you." I smiled "I don't think I'm smarter than you, maybe a little more cleaver, but not smarter." She smiled "So equal intelligence?" I laughed, moving closer. She stepped back a little. "Yes, but please remember I know all your tricks." She said "Do you now?" I asked "Yes, the little moving in closer thing, isn't gonna work." She said "You liked it though?" I smiled "Francis you aren't stupid, you know all your little flirting and affairs really just boil down the the fact that you are scared you'll love someone and they won't love you back." She said "I think I'm gonna go get a drink." I said "I'm sorry." She said "You called me on my shit, it's respectable." I said "No it isn't." She said "Olivia" I said, she came over, she wrapped her arms around my neck and leaned into me. "I think we should go to bed." I smiled "Mhm okay." She smiled "Have fun." Mary said, she walked away. To be honest I was hoping that would get a reaction out of her. Olivia grabbed my hand and pulled me up the stairs.

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