Chapter 9 - Enemy's Resolve

Start from the beginning

"I can't-"

"I have an idea." I interrupted. "Really?" Aoyama wiped his cheeks with the back of his hand. I helped him up with an arm.  "I need you to fire your beam at those gigantic Nomu. Aim for their heads." I pointed to the dark silhouettes thrashing their arms about while Shigaraki was distracted in a conversation. He gulped, if he was interrupting something, he had better do it right. I placed a hand on his shoulder.

"This would have been easier if you handed Eri to us." I heard Tomura Shigaraki's voice echoing loud and clear across the street. "You decided to make this difficult for yourselves, so I'll show you hero punks what it means to fight for a cause." The villain chortled wholeheartedly. "All you ever did was hate All Might and trample young hearts who have the purity to become heroes!" Izuku was heard.

A long beam left his buckle, slicing the smoke and penetrating a monster until their scarlet painted the floor. There was a loud shriek cutting through the night before a large thud was heard. "What?" Shigaraki was mad. Another beam escaped his belt dropping another Nomu to the ground. "Over there!" Shigaraki barked. I pulled Aoyama to the ground. I didn't want to know who was approaching the smog. We crawled further into the thicket, laying low.

Two silhouettes soon came patrolling in our general direction. The smoke was thin enough to soon reveal their identities. "Huh Magne," One sighed, "What do we do about these two?" The male was covered in an entire body suit of black, and a mask split in black and grey. The other male with red hair, glasses and thick lips glared us down, "I don't think Shigaraki meant them." He pointed a finger down at us and looked at the other. Aoyama and I held each other for our lives, terrified, backing away until we couldn't move any further.

There is no place in the heroes course for people like you.

"Yea, but if they saw us they might report it to the police!" The masked man in a suit animatedly scratched his head. Magne took in his words and thoughtfully turned to us. He adjusted his sunglasses at the bridge of his nose, "Hey, did you see anything?" He leaned forward, uncomfortably close. He was trying to intimidate us. Aoyama clenched my sleeves.

I can't have you in the heroes course.

I snatched my sleeve out from his grasp and raised myself, balling my palms into fists. "You're messing with the wrong bunch. I'm telling you guys nothing!" I barked. "Eek!" The redhead retracted pulling his wrists close to his shoulders in a rather feminine way. "They called me a guy!" He looked up at the sky in an attempt to hold back his tears.

My face must have obviously contorted in confusion because the masked guy looked at me before he spoke, "Yeah, Magne is what she is. She doesn't' like being called a guy." The masked guy shrugged his shoulders. "That's what makes her unique."

"Ugh! How dare you! This is why I hate people like you!" The male I now identified as a female snorted at me. "I'm going to kill both of you!" That made Aoyama whimper. She lifted her broad fingers and whisked the air in front of her. Suddenly, Aoyama and myself were pulled into each other with an invisible attractive force binding us, back-to-back. "That's what you deserve. Now, we'll kill you slow and easy." She chuckled cracking her knuckles.

There is no place for people like you...

I struggled to peel myself away from Aoyama but Magne's quirk did not allow it. "Aoyama, I'll need your help again. When I give you the signal, shoot." I leaned my head back a bit so my voice could reach his ear. I felt him nod. "Are you even listening?" The masked guy folded his hands on his hips and snapped at us. "What?" His statement caught me by surprise. "Twice, shut up!" Magne barked. "They don't deserve a chance. Don't waste time explaining it to people like them!"

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