'H-he looks intimidating..'

"Ah Eduan, come here for a bit," Mr. Shin gestured Eduan closer, which the male questioningly complied. Only to receive a flick in the forehead in a snap.

Aurene barely muffled her surprised gasp. 'That sounded hurt..' 

The girl could hear the shocked gasps from the teachers around them, as Eduan painfully clutched on his dear forehead while crouching to the floor.

"What was that for?!"

"That's for giving V headaches by not attending classes. As much as I don't want to see your face everyday, you still have to be in the class instead of lazily lounging around the school. Even Blossom is better than you," the teacher nonchalantly replied, all the while organizing his files on the desk. He looks pretty relaxed for someone who just flicked the heir of an international company.

The female made a mental note to not to mess with the man that will be her homeroom teacher from the day onward. 'I can see why Eduan calls him scary..'

"So, I've heard the situation from the principal," Mr. Shin started, when the three walked towards the classroom. "You've really got it tough there, young lady," 

"Well, pretty much.."

'Not as much as Eduan there though,' Aurene side-glanced the said male who was still rubbing on his forehead.

The older man glanced at Aurene for a while, before turning back his eyes forward. "You don't have to worry 'bout my class. They're pretty much are still brats, but they're good people. Just... unique in their own way," Mr. Shin took a short glance at Eduan.

Aurene shortly stopped in her tracks, realizing that the teacher might have been trying to assure her, instead of saying 'everything's going to be alright'. Why are everyone associated with the S Class so kind?

"I know. I've pretty much seen everything yesterday.." Aurene smiled a bit at the thought, remembering Yurin and Hana's warm welcome. V and Han's assurance. And even Gustang's hot and cold attitude. Jahad- no scratch that.

"Good then."

As they reached the classroom, Eduan (unwillingly) entered with a fidgety Aurene following close.


The female almost fell down when Yurin tackled her into a hug, not noticing the teacher behind Aurene.

"You're here! I was worried you might not have come!" Yurin exclaimed, holding tight onto the brunette's shoulder.

"Wait, Yurin. Can you slow down a little?" Aurene brought her hands up, already surrendering.

Thankfully, the girl was saved when Mr. Shin cleared his throat, catching the attention of the excited Yurin.

"Whoops, Mr. Shin's here. Guess we have to sit down."

Once again, Aurene prayed for the safety of her wrist which was roughly grabbed by Yurin towards a certain spot in the class. The girl couldn't help but sweat-drop at the messiness, until the two stopped in their tracks, Yurin slightly pushing her towards a desk.

A clean, new looking desk.

"Here is your seat," Hana gently led her towards the seat, not forgetting to smile at the flabbergasted Aurene. "Please, make yourself comfortable!"

"T-thank you."

All of them settled down, as Mr. Shin calls on their respective names for attendance. "So, as you all have known, from today on you'll joined by a new classmate that most of you have voted for. Make sure to not cause her any trouble."

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