"Does your mum know you aren't in school?" I ask, crossing my arms. He shakes his head, and continues to go over the broken tooth with his tongue. "She's going to be up my ass." I say under my breath.

"I hate him." Niall starts to cry.

"Why does he care?" I ask, and walk in front of Niall. I roll up his sleeves until Niall interrupts me by painfully taking off his shirt.

"He wants to use it against Harry and I, he really hates us." He wipes away his few tears as I reach over to the sink to wet some paper towels.

"He's an arse." I mutter, and Niall chuckles at my comment. I rub the wet paper on Niall's bleeding cuts. He grasps the edge of the counter to relieve himself from some of the pain.

"Ow, Liam." He groans, and holds onto my arm trying to stop me from going on.

"What the fuck, did he bring a fucking knife to school?" I question why the cuts are so deep. I push through Niall's grip, and continue.

"No," He mumbles in pain. "I did that." Niall admits. I let go of his bleeding arm, and stare at Niall.

"Did Kyle do any of this to you?" I ask starting to doubt Niall.

"Yeah, he punched me, and kicked me in the stomach." He bites his lip with his broken tooth, causing his lip to bleed. I continue to wipe his arm, watching as the bleeding starts to slow down.

"Why, Niall?" I ask, refusing to look at him in the eyes.

"I-It's been rough..." He mumbles. I nod my head, and look up at him.

"Yeah...Very." I look back down at his arm, and roll my eyes at him. I stop wiping his arm, and throw away the collection of pink, wet paper.

"Thanks, Liam." Niall whistles, and covers his mouth after hearing the horrid noise.

"Don't thank me, you are just lucky I wasn't at work right now." I watch as Niall pulls out the dark red paper from his nose, and throws it in the trash can beside the counter. "I'm going to take a nap, I haven't slept yet and I have to work tonight." I say before yawning.

"Can I stay here until school lets out? My mum can't know I left, and I'll just tell her I walked home from school." Niall jumps off the counter, instantly regretting his decision. His face scrunches up, showing visible pain.

I go through my messy hair with my hand, and say, "Sure, if you don't mind me taking a nap."

"I'm tired too, I didn't sleep well last night." He limps to my bedroom without asking me if he can sleep in there. I walk into Mikey's room to find my child playing with her dolls. I smile at her, until she looks up at me with tears in her eyes.

"Daddy, is mummy weaving forever?" The child asks.


"Mikey, your mummy will be back." I kneel on the ground, and whisper to the child.

"I miss my mummy." She cries.

"Awe, she misses her mummy." Niall says from behind me, scaring me.

"Niall, shit you scared me." I place a hand on my heart, feeling the beating against my hand. I turn to see Niall wearing one of my shirts.

"You'll meet her one day, Mikey. I bet she misses you just as much." Niall says, making the problem worse. I turn back around to comfort Mikey.


"But then again, she did move out of the state after Mikey was born." Niall interrupts me, causing Mikey to cry even harder.

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