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Thursday May10th

Location: Base, Hereford

Time: 0900

Kyle's POV

I woke up at about 9am in the morning, my vision was a bit blurry but I could still tell what were around me thought. I shuffled around a bit and felt something that felt almost like hair? I rub my eye's a bit and look down noticing Ela laying by my side. I was shocked of course but at the same time I didn't mind, then again for some reason I was able to get a good night sleep since a few weeks ago. She groaned a bit before waking up and turning over to me, her face was red and filled of embarrassment from what I could tell.

"Good morning to you Ela" I said with a chuckle

Ela: "M-morning! I um..." she hopped out of bed and ran into the bathroom shutting the door behind her of course

I sat up in bed and laughed a bit at the situation, I got my stuff on and made my way back to Serena's dorm.

Friday, May 14th

I was sitting in bed looking at the NVG I took with me to bed, I inspect them for a bit soon sparking an idea in my mind.

Serena: "Planning something with those goggles?"

"How'd you know?"

Serena: "I can tell by the way you're looking at them"

"Well then ma'am you are correct"

Serena: "Gonna tell me what you plan on doing with them?"

"Do you know how a bat used echo-location to see where their going in dark area's?"

Serena: "Yea"

"Well I thought, why not take that but put it into these goggles right here"

Serena: "So wait, you wanna make sonar goggles?"

"You could say that"

Serena: "Do you know how much time that'll take to make it work?"

"Probably a while but with my someone experience in coding and with Grace's help I could get it working. Hopefully"

Serena: "If you say so, You might wanna go to the lab and see Mira about that"

"You guys have a lab?"

Serena: "Yea, it's used to test out gadgets and stuff, Mira tested out my HEL before deeming it feild ready. You'll find it on the lower level"

"Thanks, I'll head down there later"

Serena: "So, any special assignments?"

"Not yet, six said he'll be in touch so I'll have to wait and see"

Serena: "Guess that means we have time to hang out right?"

"Pretty much"

She sat down by me leaning her head on my shoulder like normal. I smiled putting the goggles to my side before getting up

"I'm gonna head to the lab"

Serena: "Want some company?"

"If you want to tag along sure but I'll mostly be asking Grace for help with this stuff"

Serena: "Alright then"

I got out and made my way to the lab on the bottom level of place texting Grace to meet me there of course.

Ela's POV

"Kyle you in here?" I say knocking in his door. "Hello?" I knock once more soon giving up

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