She didn't admit how cute Sayaka was when she was all cuddly but this is when she was most adorable (in Kyoko's opinion)

Sayaka then fell asleep standing up, it reminded Kyoko of somebody but she didnt know who or why.

-Time s k i p-

Sayaka woke up, still fully clothed but in her bed with no Kyoko to be seen. She checked the clock that she pulled from under her bed, 9:56pm

"I slept for a while then.."

She walked over to Makoto's room and before knocking on his door, started to fake anxiousness. Pressing the bell of Makoto's room she waited, still shaking.

"Sayaka?" Makoto questioned her presence but noticed her scared demeanor and invited her in immediately.

-Time skip cuz we all know what happened in the time frame of Sayaka entering Makoto's room and then yeah, its the next day now-

((Kyoko's POV))

Makoto screamed, quite audibly as well, everyone rushed to where he was and as we entered his room a sight we never expected to see hit our eyes, marks were placed everywhere around his room, there were weapons scattered around the room. Murder occured here, it was quite obvious. The bathroom door was left wide open, we all walked closer to the door and a wave of despair washed over all the shocked students in the room.

Sayaka's body layed in a pool of blood, a knife stabbed through her chest and Makoto layed on the floor, fainted.

"Who was it?.. WHO WOULD KILL HER?.."

I couldn't help but shout out, I loved her and now I have to see her leaning there, any life from her body long gone. Footsteps could be heard from behind as Aoi ran towards me, and pulled me into a hug from behind, just like Sayaka did.
"Kirigiri it will be okay!"
She was shaking but she kept her strong attitude up, it was a part of who she was so it would follow her anywhere, almost like a dog.

"I will avenge you."

While investigating the room Makoto had stayed in the night before, I pulled open a drawer to find her special notebook and a peice of paper sticking out. Pulling the book from the quite large drawer I pushed the pages until I found the paper that was sticking out and saw writing.

It was a letter, she must've written this while we were apart or when I was asleep one time.

To Kirigiri,

To me?

If your reading this then I need you to know that I love you, you're probably going to be the only one to read this so here it is I guess.

What is she talking about?

You're reading this so I guess my plan failed, please don't say anything about this note until near the end of this trial, but my plan was to kill that Leon guy.


But you're reading this so I guess he ended up killing me.

Why kill him.. wait, Leon is the culprit of this case.

What Makoto said about us switching rooms was actually true, we did switch rooms.

Switching rooms?

Please just.. stay strong for me baby, I know you'll survive.

I'll stay strong. All for you Sayaka.



Sayaka Maizono.

Sayaka Maizono.

"I love you blueberry, more than anything. I'll try and survive until the end."

Aaaaand Cut!
Time to end this thing with an ultimate ending!

Nishihihihi lol you thought i was gonna give some sad ass ending to this but e h whatever

But on a serious note, i have loved writing all of this and yeah, i never expected it to get this popular and weve hit #1 more than once!
I find it sad to finish the book now but i am and i hope you enjoyed reading as much as i have writing.

(7/6/20) Edit: i seriously need to proofread before posting like i found mistakes and im not sure how i never noticed them

Once again



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