Kids and trust issues

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So most of the little club has some sort of family drama. I feel like that have caused the little club older siblings to have trust issues like Donny having a hard time trusting his own mother (just saying that's fucked up if you're own kid doesn't trust you with all their heart) Donut lowkey never believes his dad anymore saying he's his job needs again or they need him staying for another hour because of the fear of them cheating again and then the whole drama between their family and the like the older siblings (Donny,Donut,Arthur,Carly,Kelly,Raven,Leo) feel like their parents aren't gonna be the same people they once knew because Donny parents were perfect until shit hit the fan and Donny probably adopted his siblings because he doesn't think they won't be the best parents or won't be the same people they once were and I'm pretty sure that's what happened when the family drama ends the older sibling doesn't think they will be suitable to be parents and take their siblings under their care and if course they will let their parents visit but that's it and I'm pretty sure most of them will have trust issues with their parents because of the family drama.

So basically I'm saying is that the little club members who have little siblings and have/had family drama now have trust issues with their parents and have adopted their little siblings and yeah that's it
(Lowkey think Arthur will not hesitate to adopt his little step siblings but like that's for a another chapter)

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