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the seven boys were rudely waken up by a hollering and hyper jeongin, attacking them with pillows, hyunjin's expensive silk pillows stuffing flying everywhere.

"whattimeisit?" jisung yawned, sitting up and stretching, as he squinted to see the clock hanging a few meters away.

"ITS EIGHT AM, NOW LETS OPEN SOME PRESENTS!" jeongin bounced around happily, seungmin groaning by the side in protest.

"geez innie, how many cups of coffee did you drink already?" changbin mumbled, cracking his neck as felix whined beside him sleepily.

"About five. or six," as if on cue, jeongin's right eye twitched furiously, and minho chuckled from the other side of the room.

"that kid is high on caffeine now."

"present time!" jeongin sang, pushing the boys towards the huge christmas tree, "who wants to do their secret santa first?"

"i'll go first," minho stood up and walked up to the front, picking up a small wrapped up object from the tree before tossing it over to the youngest, "congratulations jeongin, i'm your secret santa."

"really?" said boy's eyes lit up at the mention of his name, eagerly unwrapping the huge parcel as soon as it touched his hands.

"a peach plush!" jeongin's face was pink with excitement, squeezing it tightly before lifting it up like a trophy, "thank you minho hyung!"

"no problem," minho grinned, taking his seat next to jisung, "it's your turn then, innie."

jeongin scoots off the couch as takes minho's place up front.

"jisung~" jeongin sing-songed, handing him a book, "merry christmas!"

"ah, thanks innie," jisung took it and placed it onto his lap, flipping through the pages as a wide smile slowly grew on his face. it was a scrapbook, filled with pictures of jisung, felix and seungmin, with little scribbles and notes written down next to the photos.

"i love it," jisung beams as he pats the youngest's head, standing up to take his turn, as he tries to conceal the touched tears he's so desperately holding back.

"my gift is for the one and only handsome toad himself, hyunjin!" jisung announced, shaking a confused hyunjin's hand, which quickly melted into a frown.

"did you just call me a—"

"here ya go!" jisung thrusted a small parcel into hyunjin's chest before he could finish, and said boy grumbled under his breath, unwrapping the object.

however, his frown immediately disappeared when he saw the present, mouth dropping open as he dangled the piece of jewellery in front of his eyes.

"the limited edition emerald dragon chain!" hyunjin gushed, wasting no time to fasten the chain around his neck before proceeding to high-five jisung, "thanks bro."

"you're welcome! i used all of my birthday money on that so you better not let anything happen to it," jisung threatened playfully, settling back down into his seat next to minho.

"my present is for changbin," hyunjin moved on quickly, picking up a square shaped object from under the tree, tossing it over to changbin, who wasted no time unwrapping it.

"newest edition headphones!" changbin grinned happily, admiring the image printed on the headphones box, "thanks jin."

"no problemo," hyunjin winked, but as changbin made his way to the front and hyunjin made his way back, he caught ahold of the shorter and pulled him in to whisper in his ear.

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