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"i'm telling you jiwon," minho sighed, "he made the move on me. i know i kissed back, but i was a little drunk too, could you blame me? why are you so mad? i forgave you for kissing hyunjin last year at his christmas party."

"so you can look at me in the eye, and tell me that you truly don't have feelings for him?" jiwon totally ignored minho's last statement as she spun around, minho spotting tears leaking out of her eyes.

minho was speechless for a moment. he honestly didn't know. his brain was telling him to apologise and make up with jiwon, but for some reason, he just couldn't erase the boy he had kissed from his mind.

in fact, he dared say, he had quite enjoyed the brief kiss, and there was something about that boy that made minho like he was falling in love all over again, just like how he had when he first met jiwon.

say you're sorry. say you're sorry. say you're —

"i knew it," jiwon whispered, as she used the back of her hands to wipe away her tears, her mascara now staining her cheeks black, "we're over then."

before minho could say a word, jiwon walked away, sniffling as she opened the door and closed it behind her, leaving a dazed minho in an empty stranger's bedroom that jiwon had dragged him into.

he slowly sat down on the bed, and ran his fingers through his hair, wondering if he had made a mistake, and if he should chase after jiwon.

but he couldn't. a small part of him was relieved, but for what?

just then, the door opened, and minho looked up, expecting to see jiwon, but instead, hyunjin stood there, arms crossed and eyebrow raised.

"what is it?" minho sighed, removing his fingers from his tangled hair, "i'm not really in the mood to hear about all the girls parading you in the hallway—"

"first of all, some guy just rejected me, can you believe that? and secondly, i just saw jiwon in the hallway and she's crying, and she won't talk to me. what happened? do you know she's crying? did you do somethi—" hyunjin rattled off, but stopped when he saw his best friend starting to cry, burying his face in his hands.

"hey, what happened?" hyunjin asked softly, walking towards minho and sat down on the bed, patting his back comfortingly, "something happened between you two?"

"i don't know. i might have made a mistake," minho whispered, lifting his face, "i honestly don't know. everything is a mess."

he broke down again, and hyunjin rubbed his back, "hey, tell me everything. we've got all night."

"just now... i kissed this drunk boy. well i mean, this drunk boy kissed me, and jiwon saw and thought that i made the move on this boy. and after that, we had this huge argument over this, and she just broke up with me," minho mumbled, leaning onto hyunjin's shoulder for support.

"why didn't you chase after her then? you know she's totally wrapped around your finger. just apologise and you know you'd get her back," hyunjin suggested, wiping off the tears from minho's face.

why does everyone think i have her wrapped around my finger?

minho frowns deeply.

"that's the thing," he gripped the bed sheets tightly, "i can't. i just can't. this boy, i can't stop thinking about him. but you know what's the stupidest thing? i don't even know his name."

"wait so you're telling me," hyunjin scoffed, "that you broke up with your long term girlfriend for a drunk boy who had kissed you, and you don't even know his name? hyung, when he's sober, he might not even remember you!"

"i know. i'm an idiot," minho said sadly, pain evident on his face, "a drunk, single, beautiful idiot."

"you know what? don't worry hyung," hyunjin stood up confidently, throwing minho one of his charming killer smiles.

"i'll make sure i'll find this boy, and i'll definitely make sure he'll fall in love with you."


sunlight peeks through jisung's blinds, causing the boy to stir awake, shifting awkwardly to sit up straight, a throbbing headache attacking him.

what happened last night?

but his headache felt so bad that he couldn't even see straight, let alone remember anything that he had done the night before.

threading his fingers into his hair, he closed his eyes for a brief moment, letting the faint blur of memories fully sink into his brain.

flashing lights... felix... lots of alcohol... ouch

wincing at another throb of pain, he rubbed his head and reached over to the nightstand for a bottle of water, but when he felt around for it, he discovered the nightstand was empty.

"dammit," jisung grumbled, flopping down back onto his bed, head sinking into his soft pillow.

how did i even get back to the dorms last night?

suddenly, a clear memory of last night hit him like a tidal wave, so strong it could have knocked him over if he had been standing up.

"oh my god," jisung whispered, hand reaching to calm his pounding heart.

"i kissed lee minho."


a/n: filler 🦶🧀

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