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"i have gathered you all here tonight to celebrate the fact that i will no longer be ceo of my dad's company."

everyone except for changbin, seungmin and minho moves, the three breaking into a huge, relieved smile while everyone else in the room remained silent.

"hang on a second," chan scrunches up his face in confusion, "am i missing something here? because that seems like a good thing to me."

"no. it's a bad thing," hyunjin quickly shot down chan's statement, "i'll explain later, but for now, let's celebrate!"

"yes! food!" jisung cheered, eyes scanning the feast in front of him. however, they suddenly lit up when he spotted a certain dish in front of him, a slow smile spreading across his face.

minho, noticing this, followed his gaze to see jisung staring at a plate of breadsticks, and instinctively pushed the plate to the other end of the table, shooting jisung an apologetic look.


after everyone had finished eating (expect for jisung, who was still busy stuffing himself with minho's stolen soup), felix cleared his throat, causing everyone to turn to look at him.

"so, i decided that this gathering would be a good time to brief you guys on the trip we will be taking during winter break. jisung, will you do the honours?"

jisung looked up from his soup, shooting felix a weirded look, "why do you sound so formal?"

"i don't know, because it's kinda fun," felix smiled widely, and everyone turned back to jisung with expectant eyes.

"okay listen up, because i'm not repeating," jisung stoned there for a few seconds before quickly melting into a grin, "nah i'm just kidding i'm not that mean. i just wanted to do that for special effects, it was cool wasn't it?"

minho considered for a second to tell him about the soup moustache above his boyfriend's lips.

but felix gives him a very enthusiastic thumbs up, and jisung proceeded to brief everyone about the trip, making sure to spare every detail and answering everyone's questions, minho's concern forgotten.

"alright! so who's in?" jisung asked, smiling widely as he finished, scanning the faces around him.


the chilly evening wind ruffles changbin and minho's hair as they patiently wait on the roof for hyunjin, the moon and stars in the night sky as their only source of light.

the door creeks open and shut, and the two automatically turn to the tallest, eyebrows raised.

"why are we here?" changbin asked as hyunjin passed them two cans of beer, taking a seat next to minho.

"to chat," hyunjin shrugged, "we haven't hung out as the three of us since forever. don't you miss this?"

hearing those last few words come out of hyunjin's mouth, minho immediately chugged his drink, wiping his dripping chin when he was done and shooting a glare to the astounded younger.

"those words," he shuddered, a feeling of unpleasant déjà vu shooting through him, "never say them again."

"geez, sorry," hyunjin rolled his eyes, leaning back into his chair comfortably, folding his hands over his chest as he stares up to the sky, "so let's catch up on things."

"i understand if you want to talk but why can't we do it inside?" changbin complained, shuddering, "it's like four degrees out here! why can't we just inside?"

"because!" hyunjin grumbled, taking a long sip of his beer, "the others are inside playing video games. trust me, you don't want to disturb them unless you want a pillow thrown in your face. or... jisung."

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