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"it's so hot," jisung grumbled, lying on his bed, face down, his tank top drenched with sweat, "i don't get why we can't turn the aircon on."

"because!" seungmin whined, sneezing as he did so, "i'm sick! and cold!"

"okay okay," jisung's facial expression softened with concern, "would you like me to run down to the drug store and buy you some medicine?"

"yeah that would be great," seungmin sniffled as jisung got up to leave, "and if you don't mind, could you also get me a honey lemon tea from the café?"

"sure," jisung clicked his tongue, reaching into his back pocket, "i'll call felix first and ask if he wants to come with me."

pressing felix's contact and putting his phone up to his ear, jisung waited for his best friend to pick up as the phone beeped.

"hey ji. what's up?" felix's voice sounded from the phone.

"hey lix. seungmin's kinda sick, so i was wondering if you wanted to run down to the café and the drug store with me," jisung replied, shooting seungmin a piteous look, "he's kind of dying here."

"oh um..." felix seemed to zone out for a second before answering, "s-sure! why don't we meet at the café at um... say two? and let's meet at our usual table, the one in the back left corner?"

"huh? i thought we could walk there together but if you want to meet there that's fine," jisung shrugs, checking the time on his watch, "i'll see you in a bit then?"

"yeah! okay bye!" felix hung up abruptly, making jisung surprised.

"huh... weird," jisung mumbled, pocketing his phone and keys before waving goodbye to a bundled up seungmin.


jisung whistled happily as he pushed the door open to the café, the wonderful smell of fresh coffee and cake entering his nose.

he walked up to the register and smiled at the lady behind it, "hi, can i get an iced americano and a warm honey lemon tea please?"

jisung passed his cash to the lady and left, sitting down at the unoccupied table felix had told him to wait at to wait for his drinks.

jisung hummed boredly as he scrolled though his instagram feed, fingers tapping on the table at the rhythm of the soft music playing in the café.

"oh..." jisung looked up, only to see the person he had least expected to see, his heart suddenly beating wildly, "i guess this table is taken."

lee minho stood there, dressed as fabulously as ever, in his white turtleneck and blue jacket and cream coloured pants, a disappointed expression on his flawless face.

"oh no, you can take this table," jisung stood up so abruptly he almost fell as he did so, "i can sit somewhere else."

"oh no, you don't need to move," minho said smoothly, "it's just that my friend told me to wait here for him. i'll move."

"are you sure?" jisung asked, gazing into minho's beautiful brown chocolate orbs and was in the midst of getting lost in them when minho cleared his throat.

"nah, i'll just tell changbin we're sitting somewhere else," minho shrugged, before turning a full 180 to try and find an empty spot. but unfortunately, it seemed like every other spot was taken.

which was coincidental.

"hey, why don't you wait for him here? you can sit here if you want," jisung offered suddenly, "i'm also waiting here for a friend. once he comes, we are both leaving."

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