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changbin knocks on jisung's dorm room, before opening the unlocked door, poking his head instead, only to see seungmin alone, reading a book on his bed with his earphones plugged in.

"hey seungmin, do you know where felix is? he told me he'd be here."

"oh, felix and jisung is in felix's dorm."

"ah thanks."

as changbin turned to leave, seungmin suddenly called out, "wait."

"yeah?" changbin turned around, seeing seungmin take off his earphones, edging closer to the foot of his bed.

"do you know why..." seungmin paused for a second, taking in a deep breath, continued, "why he did what he did?"

changbin stayed silent, as if he was thinking. then, he stepped into the room, shutting the door behind him, walking over to where seungmin sat.

he dropped down onto jisung's bed, clasping his hands together, leaning forward, "you want to know the reason?"

seungmin nodded.

"the reason... the reason why he does what he does is because of his father. he never had any love growing up as his father was always too busy working, too busy to give hyunjin any attention. so when he started going to school, he craved all the love and attention from all students, determined to steal it all for himself."

"selfish i know, but... can you blame him? he just wanted to see what it was like to be loved by someone, but unfortunately he ended up getting addicted to hopping from one person to another."

"you may not believe it but, i was his very first victim. there was nothing too serious between us though, and look at us now, we are best friends."

"he's a good kid, trust me seung. he told minho and i a few weeks ago he's willing to give up his games just for you. you may not believe it, but it's the truth. he's different around you. as his best friend, i should know. and i know that his feelings for you are genuine."

"give him another chance."


"that sounds awesome!"

felix and jeongin beamed at each other happily, thrilled that jisung approved of their vacation idea.

"we could totally do a road or camping trip! imagine!" jisung giggles, taking out his phone to search up images to show the others, "but who's driving?"

"i'm sure minho or changbin can," jeongin shrugged, "they're nineteen aren't they?" (a/n: the age for driving in south korea is twenty one but let's pretend it's eighteen)


"neither of us can drive. well, i can, but i don't have my license yet. i drive illegally sometimes."

the three groaned at minho's response over the phone, all their past excitement quickly vanishing.

"now what?" felix grumbled, kicking his legs up in the air.

"you're so lame hyung," jisung complained disappointedly.

"why? what's up?" minho asked as they all heard him audibly flop onto his bed, "you can call a cab or something right-"

"no, never mind," jisung crinkled his nose, hanging up on minho, cutting him off short.

"bummer," felix sulked, hugging his favourite cat plushie to his chest.

"hey wait!" jeongin's eyes suddenly lit up, "chan hyung drives..."

the other two blinked at him in disbelief, blurting out in unison, "are you crazy?"

"what?" jeongin asked, genuinely confused, "he's just a few years older than us, it should be fine."

"but... he's my professor," jisung hissed, his cheeks turning pink at just the thought of going on vacation with his teacher, "it's going to be so weird!"

"even i have to agree with him ji," felix said, "i like him and all, but won't it be awkward and stuff?"

"it's still an option!"


hyunjin clutched his phone tightly in his hand, having a mental debate with himself.

to pick up or not to pick up?

in the end, he answered it. after all, he knew he couldn't ignore him forever.

"hello?" his voice came out high pitched and squeaky, his trembling hands holding his phone up to his ear.

talking to his dad never failed to stress him out.

"hyunjin," his father's voice boomed through the phone, "why haven't you been picking up my calls?"

"i'm sorry," hyunjin mumbled, "i've been busy."

"you better answer my calls next time, or you'll stop going to this public college and i'll get someone to tutor you, got it?"

"yes sir," hyunjin suddenly found it hard to breathe in his huge mansion, and even though his air conditioner was at the max, beads of sweat still formed on his forehead.

"you need to come back home soon because i'll be hosting a dinner party, and all the most prestigious and important people will be there. i need to introduce my heir to the company to them."

"yes father."

"bring your girlfriend if you have one. i need to approve of her. i'll message you the details, got it?"

"got it."

"hwang, don't disappoint me."

and with that, the line fell dead, a consistent beeping noise sounded from hyunjin's phone.

he stared lifelessly at himself in the mirror placed ever so coincidentally opposite him. he still wasn't ready yet.

he stared at his reflection, one thought ringing in his blank mind.

'i'm such a horrible person'.

a large wave of insecurities and self hatred crashed over him, and hyunjin couldn't take it anymore. all the stress he had been trying to bottle inside of him was released, he collapsed onto the ground, hitting his head on the cold marble floor.

he didn't feel the pain. he was too numb.

he rolled his eyes to the side, watching the clock hanging on the wall, it's hands moving slowly, his vision blurring as seconds went by.

tick. tock. tick. tock. tick. tock.

then all he saw was black.


a/n: hyunjin backstory??👀👀

also young k's cover of I.F.L.Y got me tearing man have you ever heard someone curse so beautifully

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