Chapter 9

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My feet dangled off of the small wooden pier as I overlooked the lake ahead of me. The sun was beginning to set and with it, an array of beautiful colors splashed over the calm waters, enticing me to swim in them. My heart ached as I replayed the events that happened at the hospital over and over again in my mind.

The way zayn looked at me. How he pushed me off of him. How he had forgotten me.

I couldn't stop myself from crying and let my tears fall freely down into the water below. At least I didn't have to hide my face from people here. That's what I enjoyed most about this lake, not many people knew about it and I had it all to myself, for now.

I jumped slightly at the sound of my phone ringing and reluctantly pulled it out of my pocket. I wiped away my tears with the back of my hand and got a better look at who was calling.

"Hi Liam" I said, trying to hide the pain in my voice.

"Well don't you sound cheery?" he joked. I rolled my eyes at him and hummed in response hoping to end the call soon.

"So, I talked to Zayn..."

I sniffled and broke into tears. I explained everything that happened, everything about Will and about the life cleanser. I felt like I had a huge weight lifted from my shoulders and overall felt more at ease with myself about today.

"Mate, I'm sorry to hear that I really am. I know how much you liked him, but here's the thing, I think you should talk to him"

I scowled, suddenly feeling anger wash over me.

"He pushed me off, Liam! He doesn't love me anymore and he probably doesn't want to talk to me"

There was a pause on the other end as I faintly heard another voice in the background.

"Mate, trust me. Come by the shop tomorrow at 12 and if anything happens I'll be there to help"

I reluctantly agreed and I cut the conversation short feigning a headache, but cursed at myself when I actually felt an ache starting to come on. It must be because of all the crying, I thought.

I was somehow relieved to be left alone with the lake but was a bit sad to see that it was now nightfall. I got up taking one last glance at the beauty of the lake and made my way to my car, beginning my drive back home.


I didn't slept at all that night.

I was wide awake as many scenarios passed through my head.

What if he changes his mind? What if he remembered me? But he would have come looking for me... Wouldn't he? 

I looked over at my alarm clock seeing that it was now eight in the morning. I decided to get up and busy myself with breakfast and might as well clean my very messy apartment.

I stood back and looked at my living room, my hands on my hips feeling very proud that I cleaned my entire place. The pile of clothes in the corner was now non-existent followed by the dust ridden carpet and coffee table.

If only zayn was here to see this

I shook my head as I pushed the thoughts out of my mind. I needed to prepare myself in case he really did forget about me, and I knew I would be a total mess once that actually happened.

I began to get ready seeing that it was now eleven in the morning and I had to leave soon. I showered and got dressed in a white t-shirt and black jeans, not really feeling like dressing up or putting on anything special if I was only going to get my heart broken once again. I brushed my teeth and ran my fingers through my damp hair feeling that I looked decent enough to face the outside world.

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