Chapter 4

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The soft breeze ran through my hair and gently swept it back. I combed through my hair several times before taking my phone out of my pocket and checking the time.


We have been here for over 2 hours and Zayn still wasn't done yet. I crossed my arms and walked hurriedly inside the clothing store that I was waiting outside of.
The bell above the door rang and out stepped an older woman who appeared to be in her mid 40's

"Hello, what can I help you with?"
She smiled softly, her eyes crinkling at the sides.

"I'm here for my- uh, friend. He came in a while ago"

"Oh yes! I think I know who you're talking about"
Her eyes lit up and she nodded knowingly. She extended her finger and beckoned for me to follow her.

I stuffed my hands inside my jeans pocket and reluctantly followed behind.

We walked around several clothing racks and through a large walkway before entering a small booth. There stood Zayn, in front of a full length mirror admiring a new outfit he had on.

He spun around several times before pouting his lips and sighing
"I don't know about this one, the last shirt I tried on looked better"

"Oh dear, anything you wear looks great on you sweetie"
The lady exclaimed joyfully and clasped her hands together.

I awkwardly coughed, causing Zayn to turn back and smile widely once he noticed me in the room.
He stepped off the small podium where he once stood and walked toward me.

"Niall! where have you been? Wait, before you answer that tell me, how do I look?"
He straightened out a grey short sleeved button up that he wore along with dark blue jeans.
The shirt hugged him at all the right places and defined his biceps even more. He looked breathtaking, but I was not going to admit that out loud.

"Looks good, now are you ready to go now?"
There was a short glimmer of disappointment in his eyes but he seemed to shrug it off.
"Yeah let's go"

I leaned outside against the side of the fitting room and waited for Zayn. Once he finished, we walked side by side to the checkout stand only to wait in line.
I felt rather awkward being with Zayn since we technically just met about a few hours ago and not to mention that he had punched me in the face shortly after we had met. All I could do was hope that the these two weeks would go by quickly so I can go back to living in complete solitude.

The line was shortening quickly and we soon found ourselves being called to one of the checkout stands. Zayn placed the clothing and some other things neatly on the counter and the woman behind the register began to scan the items

"Your total is 329 dollars with 57 cents, would you like to pay that in cash or credit?"
She looked at both of us waiting for an answer while she put the clothes in a plastic bag.

I choked on my own saliva and tried to cover up the fact that I was about to have a heart attack over the price.

Zayn eyed me suspiciously and started to take out his credit card from his wallet.
"It's okay Niall I've got this"

I put my hand on top of his, stopping him from giving his card to the cashier.
"Zayn stop, you payed for dinner and that was way more than this"

I hesitantly took out my own wallet and handed the cashier my card.
He smiled softly and took my hand in his as we left the store and walked towards his car.
"Thank you Niall, not just for paying but for today. This is the most fun I've had in a long time"
I squeezed his hand lightly and smiled back at him.
I admired the way Zayn appreciated the small things in life and for the first time in a while, I felt happy.

Just a filler but Woww that was bad.

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