Returning Heroes

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(this is only going to be the third person it just makes it easier to keep track of the flow)

If you looked carefully you could see the changes not only are most of the cabins bigger there are much more of the minor gods who wish can come forward and ask for a cabin if they have enough kids.

Most of the current campers have been holding their breath waiting for the heroes to come back. Quite literally living legends and most of what a lot of these kids strive to be. Well before they practically disappeared.

Watchmen signaled a small group coming in on the west side of camp. Chiron cantered over to the west end to greet the group. If you strained your eyes you could make out details like the glint of gold glasses or a mess of curly hair. They looked like old friends catching up.

bfsngoswrkhvutgipbuef[j'ndf (a glorious scene switch his name is s̵̢̮͕̋̓̋̐̓̽͝o̸̲̟̰͇̖̞̎ư̸̡̡͉̭͔̖̺̲̻̏͐̓̐͆̅͜͝p̴̡̮̺̹̱̻̙̼̓́̏̈͜ )dvgljaf ljsvdcuvb;wifn

Annabeth and Piper had organized their trip back as They ended up being relatively close  (Annabeth in Eleusis and Piper in Paris.) They actually had the mind to tell Chiron that they would be heading over. Greeted with a gentle smile and hugs from those who stayed behind when others had drifted away.

Percy had immediately gotten the demigods he believed would do the best in the war prepared to come with him and perhaps stay at camp if they wanted to. Most of the demigods in the gangs care range from 8-18 after that they are free to join one of the groups or go off on their own, occasionally a small group would be sent on a trip to the caps to stay there the only catch is don't tell the camps. The groups didn't need any demigods looking to fight they made a line much like the underground railroad moving demigods and nice monsters across the country safer than the labyrinth.

The ten experienced demigods had gotten their bags packed to go, the remaining 20 started off one of the many songs they had learned in free time and had decided to practice.

It's time to go now

Haul away your anchor

Haul away your anchor

It's your sailing time

Get some sail upon her

Haul away your halyards

Haul away your halyards

It's your sailing time

that is going to do it for today's chapter is book will mostly focus on Percy and his relationship with others 

that is going to do it for today's chapter is book will mostly focus on Percy and his relationship with others 

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quick look at Percy - chb shirt that's added later

quick look at Percy - chb shirt that's added later

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