
I called Chief Hayes and told him about Kaylee, then went to the hospital. Payton had to drive since I couldn't think straight. I sat in the front seat as Parker, Patton, and Paxton sat in the back. No one said a word.

We got to the hospital, and I ran into it. I checked the front desk in the emergency room. They couldn't tell me anything until Parker interceded. He got the information, and we went to the back.

Parker checked at the nurse's station and told that us that rushed Kaylee into surgery. We also checked on Hathaway. The nurse gave us the room number, and we went to check on her.

We found Hathaway sitting up while a doctor sutured her cuts and bandaids. I walked over to Hathaway. She looked at me.

"I tried to stop Martinez. I came downstairs to help Kaylee restock the rig and saw him on top of her. That's when I called you," Hathaway told me.

"Thank you," I said, hugging Hathaway. She hugged me back. I released Hathaway.

"Gray, everything happened quickly," Hathaway said.

"I know," I said, nodding.

"Presley," Caleb said. I turned and walked towards Caleb. We stepped out of the curtain area. "Kaylee's in surgery. Martinez broke her nose and cracked a few ribs. He also broke her cheekbone."

"Did he?" I asked, not wanting to finish my question.

"No, Martinez didn't. He didn't get that far when you showed up. If you waited a few more minutes, he would have," Caleb told me.

I looked at Parker, and we breathed a sigh of relief. Caleb looked at my hand.

"You need to get your hand checked out," Caleb told me.

"I'm fine," I replied.

"It's not a request, but an order," Caleb ordered me.

I nodded, and Parker went with me to have my hand checked out. The doctor x-rayed it, and I broke two bones. With my adrenaline flowing, I didn't notice I broke my hand.

The doctor put a hand brace on me. It would secure my bones without a plaster cast. I sat on the bed and held my arm up while supporting myself with my other hand. Parker stayed with me.

"I can't believe that happened," Parker murmured.

"I can't believe that I missed the signs that Martinez raped Eliza," I said, stunned.

We looked at each other.

"Presley!" I heard Ma's voice yell. Parker and I looked at each other as the curtain moved, revealing our parents. "Oh, thank god," Ma said with relief, hugging both of us. She pulled back and looked at my hand.

"I broke two bones. This cast allows me to remove it and wash my hand," I explained.

Pops looked at me. "Please tell me you beat the hell out of that douche," he said.

"He's lucky he's breathing," I said as Pops nodded.

"Where's Kaylee?" Ma asked.

"She's in surgery. That piece of shit broke Kaylee's nose, cheekbone, and two ribs," I huffed. I got off the bed. "Eliza acted differently, and I didn't question it. All the calls I went on and missed the obvious situation. She went after me in that fire because she wanted nothing to happen to me. Why couldn't I do the same?" I yelled, grabbing a table and throwing it. I flipped a bed onto its side, unleashing my anger.

People rushed to the area as Pops and Parker subdued me.

"Shh, we got you," Pops said, consoling me as I cried. I gripped his coat as I buried my head into him. I was angry at the situation and myself.


I left Ma and Pops to take care of Presley. I went out to the waiting room to see my family sitting there. They saw me and stood up.

"How's Pres?" Payton asked me.

"He has two broken bones in his hand and angry," I answered. "How can someone do that to a person? How can a man go after someone like that?" I questioned as everyone looked at me.

I couldn't hold it anymore and went over to a trash can and heaved. The whole situation made me sick. Someone rubbed my back as I finished. Nixon handed me a napkin so I could wipe my mouth. I looked at Selena.

"If you tell me to stop, I stop," I said, surprising Selena.

"Parker, you would never hurt me. I trust you," Selena reassured me. I pulled her to me and hugged her.

We saw a guy enter the emergency room frantically. He went to the desk, spoke with the person, then went through the doors. I'm guessing that's Kaylee's dad.


Ma and Pops went with me to the waiting room to wait for Kaylee to come out of surgery. We entered the room to see Kaylee's dad sitting in a chair with his hand on the back of his head.

"Who's that?" Pops asked.

"Chief Hayes," I answered.

Pops walked over to the Chief. "Chief Hayes?" Pops asked.

The Chief looked at Pops.

"I'm Presley's dad. I hear you had issues with my boy," Pops said.

"Lex, this isn't the time," Ma reasoned.

Pops looked at Ma. "It's a perfect time, Piper," he told her. Pops looked at the Chief. "Explain to me how you kept someone like that at your station, knowing what he did because I'm dying to know."

The Chief stood and looked at Pops.

"I didn't have a choice. Every accusation I receive and investigated, the people redacted their statements," the Chief said.

"What?" Pops asked as I walked over to them.

"I receive eighteen complaints, and every person changed their mind. When I went to the Fire Marshall, he said without statements, he couldn't do anything. Then the Mayor told me to get rid of the file. He said the town didn't need that kind of publicity. It doesn't help Martinez is the Mayor's kid," the Chief admitted. "I lost my wife and son, but still did my job. No one would listen to me."

The Chief sat down.

"Why didn't you tell Kaylee?" I asked.

"Because I hoped that Kaylee wouldn't worry about someone like Martinez. That's why I paired her with you," the Chief said, surprising me. "I saw what you did for Eliza. It angered me because covering someone's mistakes is dangerous. I thought if I was hard on you enough, you would admit it, but you didn't."

"Because I knew it was Eliza's dream and didn't want her to lose it. That's what you do for someone you love. You help them reach their dream," I explained.

My parents looked at me with many assumptions made regarding the situation. People got hurt, and anger flared. The question remains, do you do the right thing even if it's an unpopular decision?

You always do the right thing, even if it means that you stand alone. I would rather fight for what's right than do nothing because the majority accepts it.

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