Chapter 13

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Shira set two more bowls on the counter so that Iroh could fill them with the breakfast he had made.

"Good morning," a familiar voice remarked in a bright tone.

Both Iroh and Shira turned around to see Zuko standing there, a bright smile on his face and looking like he had just come from the shower, his hair partially damp and in clean clothes.

"What is for breakfast?" the boy asked, the smile never fading from his face.

Shira raised her eyebrow in surprise. It had been a few hours since Zuko had broken his fever and he was in a strangely good mood. It was cute and quite refreshing.... But kind of strange.

"Juke," Iroh replied. "But I doubt you'll like it."
Zuko walked over to the pot and took a deep sniff before smiling, holding out an empty bowl to his uncle, "Smells delicious. I would love a bowl uncle."
"Okay, who are you and what have you done with Zuko?" Shira asked as Iroh hesitantly took the bowl from the boy.

Zuko smiled, his eyes shining, "It's a new day! We have a new apartment, and everything is looking up."
Shira looked over at Iroh who was trying to not appear surprised but was failing. The girl was snapped out of her thoughts when she felt two strong warm arms wrap around her torso from behind and she felt Zuko nuzzle his nose against her neck.

"You smell good," he breathed.

Shira was sure her face was beet red and she was glad Iroh's back was still to them. Zuko's grip on her waist strengthened and he pulled her flush against his body, planting a hot kiss against her neck just below her ear and Shira had to bite her lip to keep from gasping at the feeling of his heat spreading through her whole body.

"Zuko," the girl whispered in a warning tone.

"Hm?" the boy whispered, turning the girl around so she was trapped facing him, her hands on his chest and she was shocked at how fast his heart was pounding.

"What is up with you?" Shira whispered. "You're acting funny."
Zuko smiled as he bent down, so his nose was inches from hers, "I just love you so much."
Shira felt her cheeks heat up again and she looked down, finding his chest suddenly vastly interesting. "I love you too.... But you're not acting yourself."
Zuko just let out a soft chuckle, leaning down to press a soft, gentle kiss against her lips. Shira jumped slightly in surprise but Zuko had a strong grip around her waist, keeping her so close to him that she could feel the pounding of his heart against her chest.

"Breakfast is rea....never mind," Iroh said, quickly turning back around.

Shira pushed Zuko away and bit her lip, trying to think of something cold to lessen the heat in her cheeks.

"sorry for the wait..." Iroh remarked, smirking over his shoulder at the two.


"What are you doing out here?" Shira heard Zuko ask from behind her.

Shira was seated on the back step of their apartment, just enjoying the coolness that came with the falling of dusk. She lacked her jacket and boots, sitting barefoot on the back step with her hair pulled into a ponytail.

She looked over at Zuko to see that he still had the bright smile on his face and while Shira wanted to smile back, she felt like something was holding her back from enjoying Zuko's change of behavior.

Zuko walked over and sat down next to her on the same step, leaning back on his hands to look up at the colorful sky that was a mix of blue, purple, pink and maroon.

"Sure, is beautiful out," the boy remarked.

Shira smiled, deciding to not waste her time worrying about Zuko's funny behavior, "Yeah it is."
"Not as beautiful as you though," the boy whispered, leaning over to wrap an arm around her waist and pulling her tightly against his side.

Shira stiffened at this and bit her lip. She never once objected to Zuko being flirty or possessive and honestly, she loved it when he sat close to her or put his hand around her waist... but Zuko's form of flirting at that present moment was the Zuko that she knew... he had changed.... And Shira had nothing against him being cheerful and happy, but she didn't fall in love with Zuko because he was cheerful and flirty and smooth with words... she fell in love with him because he was brave, smart, had a knack for never giving up and even stumbled over his words sometimes.

This wasn't the Zuko she knew.

"Say Shirayuki," Zuko remarked. "I have a question to ask you."
Shira felt her heart drop to the soles of her shoes. She knew that Shirayuki was her full name, but Zuko had never called her that. It had always been Shira or Raven. He had even gone so far as to use Raven as her new 'nickname' while Shira was considered to be her usual... it was like... there was a part of the old Zuko missing from this new Zuko.

"Sure," the girl replied blankly.

Zuko didn't seem to notice that the girl was tense in his arms nor that she seemed really out of it.

"Do you remember when you told me that once you joined my uncle and I, you started to think about a family?" the boy asked.

Shira nodded, not sure where that conversation was doomed to go.

"Well I've been thinking about it a lot," the boy remarked, releasing the girl's waist to turn and take both of her hands into his.
Shira felt a deep excitement deep in her gut, but it soon was overcome by a feeling of dread. Deep in her soul she prayed that Zuko wasn't about to do what she thought he was. An earnest look appeared on Zuko's face as he looked at her intently, a smile still on his lips but his eyes seeking...

"Shira, will you marry me?"

Shira felt a whole wave of emotions rush over her: Joy, pain, sorrow, happiness, excitement, dread....and realization.

She quickly drew her hands out of Zuko's and immediately his smile faded to one of worry.

"I'm sorry Zuko...."

The smile that had been on the boy's face was replaced by dread and horror and his mouth parted in shock as the girl jumped to her feet, clutching her hands to her chest.

"I cannot do this."

Burning Souls - Book 2 // ZukoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora