⚡️"into the woods"🕸🦟🌲

Start from the beginning

So, Qetsiyah killed the other woman? Jeramy asked her

Yea . Silas was immortal. She couldn't kill him. So she trapped him in a cave, and buried him alive instead. She Said responding to him

Does it say anything about the hunter's purpose in all this, or Iam I just the map he asked
Shane comes up behind them

I was wondering when you'd ask. Qetsiyah created a cure for immortality, and then she buried it with Silas, hoping that he'd take it and die, and end up on the other side with her for all eternity. But he wouldn't give her the satisfaction. So, many centuries later, her descendants created the hunters to find him, cure him and kill him. You know what? I'll explain on the hike. Come on. We gotta get going. He said
They all begin to hike through the woods.

Satellite phone lost its signal. Shane said
Well, that's a good sign. Damon added

Is anyone else a little creeped out? Elena said grabbing Damon's arm

So then leave. Out of everyone, your presence is the least necessary. Rebekah responded,
Davina let go out Rebekahs arm and ran ahead a bit, holding her arms out like a airplane

Please don't start. Stefan said rolling his eyes

I'm merely stating the facts. Jeremy has the spell on his body. Bonnie is the witch that unseals the cure. Shane is the human compass. You and I have the tombstone, which does god knows what. Davina is here because iam not letting her out of my site Elena has no point. Rebekah explained to them

What about me? Damon called out from infront of them

You have a nice behind. She yelled back
Damon smirks.
Davina continued running around creating circles around each of them

Hours later, it's night-time. The group is still hiking through the woods using flashlights.

Wait. Stop. Stop! Stop. Shane yells Everyone stops] Is everybody paying attention? He picks up a large rock

Our first lesson in survival. [He throws the rock and it triggers a net trap that swings up into the trees.] Stay together. Keep your eyes open.
Rebekah picked up davina scared that she might trigger a trap while she walking

Everyone continues walking again.

Iam bored, davina whinnies
Well you wanted to come squirt, Damon said yelling back at her

Why is she so whinny today Shane asked rebekah

Well it was a group vote to bring her here, so we all have to suffer the consequences of davina missing her afternoon nap rebekah responded

I want down davina told rebekah while moving a bit

Fine she said, placing davina on the floor infront of her, be careful she continued

Davina ran infront of the hole group, right next to Shane. He was leading all of them. Davina felt like the leader standing next to him. She left in power

Iam thirsty davina whined, tilting her head back dramatically

Here. Take mine Elena said handing her clear water bottle to the girl

Davina and takes a sip of water while Elena turns around to rebekah, sticking her tounge out at her happily. Like she had just won davina from Rebekah

In the background a branch snaps and Davina turns to see a man with tribal paint on his face aiming an arrow at him.

Davina! Stefan yells noticing him
He vamp-speed over to push her out of the way and the arrow misses. The man reloads his bow but suddenly he grunts and falls to the ground, Elena went over to see who it was but when she got there he was gone

the group, all together again, arriving at a clearing in the woods.

What is this place davina asked

According to island lore, a group of college kids came here for spring break. A few weeks later, they were all found dead, completely drained of blood. Shane said

Davina looked at him petrified
Rebekahs eyes narrowed towards him

I-i mean, they went back safly Shane said trying to fix his mistake

Well, that's lovely. There's a mystery man with a hatchet lurking in the woods and we're just gonna camp? Damon said waking over to them

We're safer here than we are hiking in the dark. Stefan said to him

Let's just keep going. You know? Get the cure. Get in, get out. Where is it?

How stupid do you think I am? Shane asked

Stupid enough to raise an immortal witch, so I'd say...incredibly. Damon added

They hear sounds of animals screaming in the distance. Davina grabs  onto Rebekahs arm.

Did you hear that? I swear this place is haunted the witch continued

Rebekah pulled the girl on her lap, holding her close to her for comfort
Elena walked over to rebekah and davina

Come here boss, Elena said reaching down for davina
Rebekah glared at her
Relax, iam just bringing her to bed, Elena said to her taking davina from her Arms and caring her to rebekah and davinas tent

Stefan looked over at rebekah laughing quietly

Okay. You got me. I'm a scaredy cat. She said to him

You do realize you're an Original vampire, right? He said

Which is precisely why you should stop teasing me. I'm very powerful.
Isn't it obvious? It's all an act, Stefan. Being a vampire is miserable. I would give anything to be human. Normal.

In a tent, Davina is lying awake when he sees a shadow pass over her - someone is outside. She sits up with her flashlight after hearing her name being called a few times, but so quiet it's sounded like whispering
when suddenly a man appears next to her and covers Davinas mouth and takes her before anyone noticed

Davina! Rebekah yelled out to her
Why don't you yell louder? Maybe we haven't drawn enough attention to ourselves already. Elena told her

Just admit it, go away. You don't even care about her
I'm stronger than you and faster than you and I'm quite certain I can charm the islanders a lot easier than you.

Not disagreeing on the easy part. Elena said rolling her eyes

All right, we get it. You two hate each other. Can we just keep going, please? Stefan said joining them

I tried to be her friend, but somehow, I ended up with a dagger in my back because I'm the evil one. Rebekah yelled with a loud tone

Technically, you didn't achieve evil status until you killed me. Elena said

Elena walks into a trip-wire and sets off a trap. Rebekah vamp-speeds to stop it from impaling Elena. They exchange glances as Elena tries to catch her breath.

Nice catch. Stefan adds
Thank you. She smiled
No, actually, thank you. This thing would've killed me. Elena said to her

I don't care what happens to you either way. But if you're gonna die, it might as well be epic.

Iam gonna go back and check on Bonnie, see if she found anything, or maybe davina came back. Be careful.
While Elena turns back, Rebekah swings the trap out of the way and continues on, Stefan watching her

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