⚡️"into the woods"🕸🦟🌲

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On the island

Shane the professor they had to bring, stands on the beach, looking on at the island as the others unload from the boats on the shore. It's morning. Shane, Stefan, Damon, Jeremy, Bonnie, Rebekah, and Elena form the group

Congratulations. We made it. Shane said to himself, getting a view at the huge forest they would have to encounter

[The others continue to unload, each with varying expressions of uncertainty and curiosity on their faces as they take in their new surroundings.]

Damon is sharpening a knife on the beach when Shane approaches him.

Couldn't they have hidden this cure in Hawaii? Where the hell did you take us? Damon said

Two hundred miles off the Nova Scotia mainland. If you recall, the whole point was to hide the cure on the world's most obscure, desolate island. The professor responded

Oh yeah? I thought the whole point was that no one found Silas, the oldest, deadliest freak in the world.

Yeah, that too.
Shane holds up sunscreen and offers it to Damon.

Sunscreen? He said
Is that a joke?
Right. Shane replied awkwardly moving his hand back down

Stefan is tying a knot with some rope, while Rebekah is standing there holding davinas hand glaring at Elena as she walks past.

You know, you're not really helping.
Stefan said

You're perfectly capable of tying a knot. Rebekah responded

You giving Elena the evil eye, it's not really helping.

She killed my brother, tried to get you to put a dagger in my back and erased davinas memory of us . She's lucky all she's getting is the evil eye.

You know I can hear you, right? Elena yelled

You know I don't care, right? Rebekah said sarcastically

Elena stops walking, and vamp speeds towards Rebekah, grabbing her neck and pointing the white oak stake at her chest. Rebekah flips her over and pushes her to the ground

Go ahead, try and kill me. But then you'd have to face your real problems.
Davina. She will hate you, and deep down you don't want that Rebekah mentions

Elena looked over at davina, her eyes all shiny from tears

Rebekah walks off, Stefan offers to help Elena up, but she ignores him and walks away looking irritated. Elena shoves the white oak stake into her bag and Damon joins her by her side

Looks like someone forgot her team-building exercises. He jokes

I'm not apologizing for not wanting her here. Elena said dangerously staring at rebekah taking davinas hand again

With any luck, I'll only have to tolerate her for a few more days, and then we'll find the cure and I'll never have to deal with her again.

Human Rebekah...I can't imagine her without fangs said Damon

You know, you've never talked about what you'll do with the cure, once we find it. Will you take it? Elena asked
I don't know he hesitantly responded

Bonnie is taking pictures of Jeremy's tattoo with her phone.

Sorry, if there was a less awkward way to do this, I would.

Doesn't bother me. Jeramy joked
Bonnie smiles.

These symbols must have been left for the hunters, so they can find the cure. And this must be the story of Qetsiyah and Silas. According to Shane, Silas asked Qetsiyah for help making a spell for immortality. She helped make him immortal, only to learn that he planned to use the same spell on another women, not her. When she found out, she freaked. Bonnie said

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