⚡️"Today will be different"😳

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The harvest was completed, they all knew davina had to die in order to stop her powers from taking control and slowly killing the girl, there is no way they could have prevented this event from occurring  Sophie had to slit davina's throat, putting her into a "sleep" like the 3 other girls that girls that died a few months back and davina had collected there power before they could continue the harvest. once they all awoke the power would be restored to the 3 other girls, the last part of the harvest was the reaping, the 4 girls would wake up stronger and be appreciated by everyone for there participation, it was only a matter of time till they woke

the fire that had followed davina as she entered the cemetery slowly evaporated and the rain had stoped almost instantly

it was dead silent, everyone was upset, they had tired there best to protect davina but had failed, they had to accept that she might not wake up and feel guilty for believing it could work and putting her at they type of risk

Marcel couldn't stand loosing her, he had not seen her since that night rebekah brought her back, he was afraid she would hate him after what happened to Tim, so when the first time seeing her since had to be the day she died, he couldn't take it and ran off in anger and in disbelief that davina was really gone, throwing vases,ashes, flowers everything he could find in the cemetery trying to fix his anger with rage and destruction

The silence was broken with a loud gasp, looking down realizing it was davina regaining consciousness
Davina threw herself up holding herself up with her arms locked by her sides

Davina, Screamed Rebekah and Hayley running over to her, Rebekah on her knees beside the girl and Hayley standing behind rebekah placing her hand on her friends shoulder

Davina was still facing forward, till she felt rebekahs hand on her leg, drawing her eyes over to Rebekah. Rebekah has tears in her eyes and had a huge smile, as did Hayley.

Without hesitation davina through her self at rebekah wrapping her arms around her neck
Rebekah in shock, never feeling actual love for anyone. She held her arms apart from davina, hesitantly not gripping a hold of her. realizing how she felt she wrapped her arms around davina's back holding her tightly close to her body, one of her hands moved from her back to the back of her head. She sighed in relief at the feeling of holding davina in her arms once again. Her hand was tightly around her waist, but a little lighter grip on her head

The rest of the girls woke one after the other but no one payed attention to them
Sofie started at davina wrist, awaiting the rest of the girls powers to leave her body. But stoped as soon as she heard a gasp from the last harvest girl
Monique deveroux.

Sophie cried running over to her niece hugging her, this is all she wanted. The loss of her sister, she thought she would be all alone, Sophie was so determined to get her niece back that's why the harvest meant so much to her, hugging her niece, having her back in her arms was amazing.

Rebekah and Davina let go of each other, Hayley leaned down with her arms out grabbing davina from behind Rebekah. The blond vampire gave davina a little boost reaching up and over to Hayley. Davina  wrapped her arms tightly around hayley.

A week before the harvest after Tim died, Hayley Rebekah and davina have really connected in a motherly daughter way, Rebekah was already explained, but Hayley.
Hope is now 23 years old and with her own family, she loved the feeling of having children around again. She smiled holding davina in her arms she was still covered in blood from when Sophie had to slit her throat.

She started coughing from being cold, she was soaking wet. 40 min ago she was by the docks coughing up water and creating heavy rain falling down all over the French quarter and now it was all over. She was finally safe. But still freezing.

Marcel could hear them Screaming and froze for a second, he heard a voice he heard crys he knew to well
with his vampire speed he came rushing back just see that Davina was alive

Sophie was on the floor holding her niece in her arms all the rest of the harvest girls just looked around confused at what was happening
Marcel leaned over to davina and Hayley, she had her eyes closed resting her head on Hayleys shoulder, and her arm hanging down by her side sitting upright on Hayleys hip

Marcel took his sweater off, he placed it over davina's head and with the help of Hayleys other arm, she helped him manoeuvre her arms into the sleeves. davina didn't fight it she was to exhausted from everything
her eyes closed the hole time, and didn't even see that marcel was there

With vamp speed they all rushed back to the house but Klaus stayed behind with Elijah

something's wrong Sophie added staring out into a distance
Davina still has there magic, Monique looked up at her aunt confused, not knowing anything that had happened after she died 3 months ago

well that seems to suck doesn't it love, as of now you witches are no use to me

Sophie looked confused at what he ment
Klaus's eyes turned yellow and his teeth turned into fangs with his speed he quickly ran each of them one by one snapping their necks and Elijah took the responsibility of killing sabean draining her of blood, wanting her death to be painful as payback for everything he did to her

They stood side by side smiling looking down at there work
then headed back to the house

they were all in the living room on the couch. Davina fresh from the shower and Rebekah And Hayley we're sitting on the couch together while the rest of the group stood looking down at them, marcel vanished before she noticed he was there

What happened hayley asked calmly, trying not to startle her
Rebekah started rubbing the girls back creating small circles to calm her down from the heavy panting and tears

....it was dark, I was all alone she said not once lifting her eyes from the floor

But then they were whispers it was the ancestors they were, Calling to me, they hate me, for what I did
What Davina really saw she could not share with the group.

Davina is one of the most powerful witches in New Orleans it's no surprise people were trying to contact her

she was visited by Esther their mother, also know as the original witch

To preform the harvest, they need an elder, Elijah killed the last one Agnes. in order for the harvest to be completed Sophie Deveroux became the next elder, they used Esther bones to do so, there was a glitch and it ended it up bringing her back to life
The witch needed Davina on her side, to help her complete what she needed to do.

Davina was exhausted, she leaned over to her right resting her head on Hayleys shoulder, 

Hayley turned to the witch after feeling a Sutton weight on her shoulder
She smiled at the sight then looked back at the group

Davina started to doze off well the group was still talking, she tried to stay awake, to listen to them talking so they couldn't hide anything from her, she opened her eyes after she heard Hayley speak, because she was resting her head on her shoulder, Hayley's voice was louder to her and caused davina to lift her head up and off her shoulder. She was a bit annoyed since she just got comfortable

"I think me and Rebekah are going to bring her upstairs"
Hayley stood up and held her hand out for davina to grab

The young lamb just needs a rest, Rebekah added standing up off the couch and went to stand next to hayley
Hayley held davina's hand  as she guided her up the stairs to her room
Should I continue?

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