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Hej läsare
People go but how the left stays.
Anthony's P. O.V


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Our friendship is ineffable.

Each one of us care but we can't express it. Due to reasons Issabelle is not talking to Geremy as much as she freely talks when she is with me or Ell.

Geremy doesn't talk to me if not necessary because he thinks ' I haven't lost anything I heartedly want. I have to know value of things before him being my friend.'But I like it that way. The sarcasm we throw at each other. The eye rolls. The leg pulling. We have a type of friendship unknown.

On the contrary, its Elliot whom everyone wants to talk. Honestly speaking, he is the one who makes us all talk through some way or the other.

If we three are different pages of the book, he is the glue that binds us together. He is everyone's favourite these days. Not in school I mean to say because they don't know how nice of person he is or he just simply doesn't show then his that side.

But Issabelle's father and my parents like him a lot. When he came to my home one day both my parents were amused to meet ' the boy who tops the class every time'   They even told me to not loose such a gem- if I say in their words.

Everything thing is going fine. I'm happy to sit with them in the lunch break as I no longer have to keep a fake smile on my face while sitting with the popular squad. Paige also sit with us sometimes but she gets awkward and then sits with her other friends.

Talking about Paige, I think it is the right time to talk to her about us. I have to end the relationship with her if I want to start or confess my liking to someone else.

That is why I am calling her at lunch today at a restaurant. I didn't make it obvious by saying ' we need to talk' , but I think she knows what is on its way.

I got dressed, took my car that I got as a present from my parents and rode to the restaurant. I am not feeling nervous or sad or guilty. I don't feel anything about breaking up with her.

I think it's someone's magic that is giving me all the confidence.

I entered the restaurant with three messages 'you can do this' ; 'Good luck' and ' we are here for you' from Issabelle, Anthony and Elliot respectively.

Initially,They also wanted to come and wait outside to give me moral support but I refused them to do so.

I saw Paige, dressed in a blue jeans and floral sweater, checking her phone. I gave breaking-up with her a second thought as I really don't want to loose my Paige-the friend, but then a face flashed in my mind and gave me courage.

" Hi, Paige" I said while hugging her from back. Maybe out last her. " Sorry if I got you waiting."

" You don't need to be. I got early. I am glad you still want to go on dates with me." Paige said. I feel so bad for her.  She thinks I want to strengthen our relation. But what needs to be done, has to be done. I've to have an honest relationship with myself first.

"Let's order something to eat"I said.

We ordered food that I don't remember what in particular. We ate and talked about random stuff. Mostly her talking and me listening. When we finished, I thought it would be the right time to get over with it.

So I started " Paige you must be wondering why all of a sudden I called you for lunch-" "It crossed my mind" She said in response. " You are very beautiful both internally and externally and you matter to me. But I can't think about you as more than a friend. We had a great time but-"

" I know where it is about to go" said paige while wiping her tear off " You like someone else"

" To be honest, yes" I said.

" I knew it. You were very happy from past few days and clearly the reason was not me. I think I know the person but I want to ask you who is she?"

" I can't tell you right now. Nobody knows."

Paige nodded continuously. She took fifty dollar bill from her bag and kept them on the table. " You don't have to do that, Paige"

" No. No, I have to. I am no longer your girlfriend. I can't allow that."She said while standing up and clearing her face out of tears.

She started walking but then turned " Please don't follow me. I can handle myself. And one thing more, don't try to talk to me for a while or maybe never" she said sternly.

I stood up and saw her leaving. I payed the rest of the bill and got out of the place as fast as I could.


The whole day went uneventful. I had dinner with the dining table and Maria, our housekeeper. She has a great sense of humour. She told me about how his son is getting out of her hand and how she was as a teenager. This type of dinner is a way lot better than the dinner with my biological parents.

After dinner I did my favourite thing these days. Laying down in bed and thinking. Thinking about the smile. Thinking about the day I will confess my fellings. Thinking about our fictional date. Thinking about-

My phone buzzed , bringing me back to reality. It was a text message from Issabelle.

Hope u r fine.

I don't know if it is the right time but I think it never  is. So can you come by my home tomorrow.

I want to  show you something

Please bring a picture of yours:)

This time I smiled but for a different reason.
Hope you liked it. Thank you.


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