Chapter 1

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(Third person view)

"Rin why not come to Cram school today?" Bon asked hopefully. "Um... H-How about another day." Rin answered sheepishly and nervous that his classmates would find out the real reason he hasn't been coming to Cram School. "You'll never learn how to be an exorcist if you don't come," Bon told him hoping that would make him come but of course Rin had thought of this and had his answered ready and raring to go. "Oh, Mephisto is teaching me." "THAT CLOWN! YOU SERIOUSLY WENT TO THAT CLOWN INSTEAD OF LEARNING WITH US! Honestly, Rin, what has gotten into you lately ever since Yukio came back you've been acting strange." Bon leaned forward with his hands on his hips and he looked at Rin skeptically and Rin put his hands up and looked at Bon nervously hoping they wouldn't question it any further and thankfully Bon and his crew didn't. "Whatever Okumura just make sure you come back soon we're missin' ya y'know." 

Rin nodded at Bon's statement before they entered the class and Rin let a breath go that he didn't know he had been holding but instantly tensed up when he saw the tall figure and got ready to run. Yukio was coming down the hall to his class with his bag for class Rin started running the opposite way which just happened to be the exact way to Mephsito's office where he'll do his work with Mephisto teaching him. In all honesty, Mephisto isn't actually that bad of a teacher he can be an asshole but he gets the point across and makes sure Rin actually learns it.

Yukio let a sigh go as he saw Rin quickly run away from his, as usual, since he came back two weeks ago Rin had been running away and refused to be near him and he never understood why and still doesn't and it's starting to piss him off. Yukio narrowed his eyes and groaned before entering the classroom.

"Hey teach, you know anything about what's up with Rin?" Koneko asked, everyone was alright with Yukio again, the Grigori told Yukio if he was to aim a gun at anyone again he would be exiled. That gave Yukio enough of a scare to keep his guns in the holsters and not take them out unless faced with a demon and that still included Rin for some reason, he was allowed to aim a gun at him. But he hasn't been able to since he came back as he's almost never seen Rin. The day he came back Rin moved to another room and installed locks and Rin only ever comes out when Yukio is either out or in his room and Yukio has only heard him come out of his room a few times. Yukio has also had to get his meals as Rin's stopped making them for him. He's been confused by all this change recently and hasn't been able to ask him why. And Rin's stopped coming to cram school and only goes to normal school, Yukio has no knowledge of Rin getting taught by Mephisto but he soon will as Yukio has planned to go to the headmaster after class.

(Yukio pov)

"No, I don't know anything, I've almost never seen Rin since I got back, I just saw him running down the hall just a minute ago when I came back," I tell my students and I hear hums and see nods and shared worried looks. "Oh yeah, that was him going to Mephisto for lessons on exorcism," Bon spoke up and I was a little shocked to hear what he had just said I thought about it for a moment before nodding and I started the class, it was also a little odd only to see two out of the three Kyoto trio but I guess it's the Kyoto duo after Shima left with the Illuminati. We haven't spoken of Shima since we last spoke of him when I first came back and that was it, we never talk about him we feel there is no need to. 

In Mephistos' office

(Third person view)

"WAKE UP YOU LAZY BASTARD!" Mephisto shouted rather angry. Mephisto never got angry like that but since Rin has been his student he's been getting rather pissed off with the young demon. Rin sat up lazily and put his chin on the palm of his hand. "Carry on." Mephisto sighed in frustration. "If you want me to teach you then you MUST spay attention or else I WILL make you go back to your class with Yukio which I know you would very much rather do." Rin gulped and nodded and Mephisto gave an accomplished smirk knowing he had Rin putty in his hands as long as Rin was afraid of Yukio, if he got over that fear then Rin would no longer be putty in his hands just another piece on the board game he played with humanity. Mephisto carried on his lesson and Rin wrote down what he thought was important to note and what Mephisto said he should write down, which was almost everything. Rin's hands hurt by the end of the lesson which were two hours longer than Yukio's but at least he was learning the things he decided wasn't worthwhile in Yukio's class.

That night

(Yukio pov)

I had talked to Mephisto earlier and he gave me no information other than saying just wanted to be taught by him but I know he's not telling the truth and I also saw Rin hiding behind the sofa but I let it slide and didn't call him out. So now I'm going to Rin's new room in which I know since it has several locks on it. I knock on the door and say in stern voice: "Rin, why are being taught by Mephisto and you seem to be hiding away from me. These locks are proof of that so come 0out here and tell me what is happening." I heard a crash and wondered what was happening. "Um... N-No reason, just felt like it." I heard him nervously shout through the door.

(Rin pov)

"Um... N-No reason, just felt like it." I tell him as I try to keep my facade up of being strong "Rin." I heard his loud stern voice echoed through the door and I try not to let a squeak out or let a cry out. "W-What?" I ask trying so hard not to scream in terror. "TELL ME!!" He screams and bangs on the door and I scream and I wrap my arms around my legs and put my head in my knees as I cry in fear. Yes... I was scared of my own brother. "I said. TELL ME!!"

The locks broke...

The locks broke

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