Chapter 1

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   Years Later

   A half-human, half-dragon was wondering about the outside boundaries of the castle. The evening sun shone across the sky, making the clouds appear pink and purple. The human-dragon hybrid admired the scenery, which blazed on its hazel complexity skin before turning to go back home to the castle. At the castle, it didn't go in through the front door. Instead, it looked up to a window on the second floor which was open and went in that way. Once in the frame of the window, the human-dragon darted its eyes about the room. There was furniture bigger than it about the room. It sneaked in quietly. No one seemed to be present. All except the bed, which seemed to be moving up and down as if it were breathing. The human-dragon ran up to the bed and jumped on it. The confronter moved more until a grand dragon appeared from under, yawning. "Good Morning, Dad", the human-dragon teased.
The dragon looked down to it.
"Good Morning, Night", it teased back.
It then took the human-dragon—Night into its arms.
"How was your day?", it asked.
"Good", replied Night.
Just then, other dragons, The Elders came in.
"Hello", said Elder Flame, making his way to the bed as the other Elders stayed in the door frame.
"Hello, everyone", Night said, waving with a cheerful smile.
"We just wanted to let you two know that dinner is ready", Elder Thunder said.
"Oohh, dinner!", Night said. "What are we having tonight?"
"Cow st..stomach and spinach", Elder Icey answered.
"My favorite!", Night exclaimed happily. She hopped off the bed.
"Well, let's go down and get some before it gets cold", the dragon—Night's father, Light said, getting off the bed himself.
"Let's go eat", Elder Flame said, leading everyone downstairs.

   At the table, Night sat by her father as The Elder's got their plates and made them. The food was still steaming hot, filling the kitchen with the smell of beef and vegetables. Everyone respectfully dug into the food. Night had finished her meal, while everyone else was still working on theirs.
"Was it good?", Elder Flame asked, noticing her plate being clear.
"It was. Thanks."
"If you want seconds, there's plenty more." Elder Flame then returned working on his plate. Night looked to her father, who was just about finished. As if he noticed, Light looked to Night.
"Yes, Night?", he said.
"Can I excuse myself from the table?" Light nodded.
"You can."
Night got up, taking her plate and cleaning it before going upstairs.
Once in her room, Night went to her balcony, opening the door softly and stepping on the concrete floor. The night was cold, however nice. The stars twinkled above, the wind blew gently, stirring up the trees along with the clouds. Within that beauty, something evil was lurking. Whist taking in the scenery, something caught Night's eyes. Something that made her go cold. A pair of white eyes darted back at her from within the trees and seemed to be moving towards her, steadily. Night shifted back in genuine fear. However, the more she moved, the more so did the eyes. Night soon noticed the pattern the eyes were taking. Her heart started to beat faster with each passing second. Without warning, the eyes darted out from the shadows of the night onto the balcony. Night jumped back, yelping as she discovered that it wasn't just a pair of eyes, but an entire figure that was frizzled in a seemingly invisible shadow. It flung out to Night, in an attempt to attack her, causing Night to scream. Downstairs, The Elder's heard her cries. "Night?", Light called out.
The figure was now standing in front of Night, who was shivering in fear. She attempted to muster up courage by slowly moving over to her bed and grabbed a pillow to throw at it. The pillow phased through the figure. Night gasped in fear and shock. The figure went for another attack. Another cry came. Worried, The Elders headed upstairs to see what was going on. They followed the sound to Night's room.
"Night?!", Light called out once more.
He opened the door to see Night shaking on the ground, terrified on the verge of tears. Light made his way to her.
"Night, what happened?" She looked up to him with wet eyes.
"There was this thing and..... and it attacked me. I.... I didn't know what to do. I tried to fight back but-."
Night's face went back down.
Light looked to The Elders and gave them a head gesture which they responded to by leaving them be.
"It's ok, Night. It's ok, baby", Light said holding her tightly.
He sat her down on the corner of her bed then sat down beside her.
"Night, I'm.... I'm sorry."
"It's ok, Daddy", Night said lowly.
"I thought I could fight back. Something a real dragon would do. Something", she looked over and up to her father. "You'd do."
Light looked down to her then drifted his gaze down to the ground with a slight tired smile.
"You think I'd do something like that?"
Night nodded. Light chuckle sighed.
"You never fall to surprise me, Night."
Later on, he had curled up with Night in her bed, who had since fallen asleep soundly in her father's chest as she did when she was a baby. He wanted to make sure she was ok before leaving for the night. Considering Night was all he had left after the passing of his wife years prior, he put extra care into how he protected her and kept her safe. It was deep in the night and he was sure Night wouldn't wake up anytime soon. With that, Light tucked Night in the rest of the way.
"Good Night, Night", he said kissing her forehead.
He went to leave when he noticed something. One of Night's favorite items. It was a sheep plush that he had made for Night when she was younger. She loved that plush with all her life. He picked it up and smiled. He remembered how happy Night was when she got it for one of her birthdays years ago.
"Close your eyes, ok Night?"
"Ok, Daddy."
"Here he is!" Light opened his paw to show the plush doll to Night as she opened her eyes that widened at the sight of the plush doll.
"Oh, I love it! Thank you, Daddy! Thank You!", she had said, jumping up and down.
Light took it and place it right in between Night's arms. He went to the balcony door, looking outside before going to Night's door and closing it behind himself.

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