Chapter 6

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   Night made it to the coastal land 'Sandy Beach', home to tropical animals and birds. The sand was warm while the water was cool. Night began her excursion once landed.

While looking around, Night came across a cave. Not knowing what laid in it, she ventured in. Night kept going when she came back out into the open again.
"Well great", she thought to herself.
She decided to observe the area which consisted of a beachy area with a waterfront house made of palm tree bark.
"That's odd", Night said. "I didn't think anyone lived this far out."
"Night!", a voice called out.
Night shuttered. She turned around to see who it was who had called her name. A figure lingered within the cave from which Night came from. It stepped further out. Night's heart sunk, for, it was her childhood best friend.
"Night!", it called again, running for her. "Rain-Bow!", she cried, starting up towards him.
They met in the middle with a hug, laughing. They drew back and looked at each other.
"Night, where have you been?", Rain-Bow asked.
"With my folks of course!", Night replied playfully.
"What? Them? How could you possibly be ok with hanging out with them?"
Night was about to say something, when Rain-Bow chuckled.
"I'm just messing with you!", he said with a smile. "I kind of do miss them from when we were kids. You know, always telling you to do this and that", he finished with a head cocking and finger-pointing jester.
"You mean, they were always telling YOU what to do", Night laughed.
Rain-Bow smiled.
"Ok. Maybe that too."
"Say", he started. "How about we head on in to my house?" Rain-Bow pointed to the waterfront house Night had seen before. "That's your house?", Night asked slightly confused.
"It sure is! Come on, I'm sure you'll like it."

They made their way into Rain-Bow's house, which, to Night's amazement was very interesting, with a tropical décor theme all over with palm tree decor.
"This is pretty nice, Rain-Bow", Night said.
He smiled.
"I knew you'd like it."
Night made her way into the living room where a couch laid. Above it was a picture with a dragon and human-dragon hybrid, both of which were small. Night observed it closer as Rain-Bow neared.
"Do you have any idea of who those two might be?", Rain-Bow said.
Night smiled then turned to him.
"Us when we were kids."
He nodded.
In the picture, Night and Rain-Bow were playing in the water at a beach, splashing each other with water. Night was using her hands while Rain-Bow was using his tail.
It was a day Night couldn't forget.

   It was a sunny afternoon. Night and her father were hanging out at the beach for the day. He had been pretty busy and felt bad for not spending a lot of time with Night because of it. So, he figured that just the two of them having fun at the beach for the day would make up for it. And of course allow them to bond more. Not that Night wasn't already super close to her father anyway. More like two peas in a pot described them relationship perfectly.
"Don't go too far!", her father had said.
"I won't, Daddy!", she called back.
Night made her way to a river bank in the forest off the beach. She looked down to the water and saw her reflection. From her reflection, a dragon popped out, catching her off guard. Night flinched backwards as the dragon disappeared back into the water. She fixed herself then looked back into the water. The dragon's head popped out.
"Hehe. Did I scare you?", it asked giggling. "NO!", Night replied with a unconvincing face but convincing tone of voice.
"Yeah right", the dragon started. "I know my craft."
It laid on it's back. Night was wondering what it meant by that.
"Who are you anyway?", she asked.
The dragon looked to her, getting off it's back and floated on it's frontside.
"The names Rain-Bow. I'm a Water Dragon. And you?"
"I'm Night. I'm a Dark Dragon. My folks say I'm one of a kind, so you better watch yourself."
Rain-Bow laughed.
"HA! Wait, wait, wait, wait. You're a dragon? I'm not seeing it."
Night's face went stern.
"I am!", she huffed.
Rain-Bow giggled.
"Oh... oh ok then", Rain-Bow said mockingly.
"I'll prove it!"
Rain-Bow smiled.
"Ok then. How about with a race?"
"You're on."
They lined up beside each other, with Night on land while Rain-Bow stayed in the water.
"Ready? Set. Go!"
Rain-Bow took off going under water while Night ran. She looked over to see how much distance he had made. Night got an idea. She opened up her wings and flew to the finish line which is were the river met the sea. Rain-Bow popped out.
"I won! I won!"
"No, I did", Night said stepping over towards him.
Rain-Bow looked over to her.
"You did not!"
"I did so", Night replied cockily.
Rain-Bow smiled deviously.
"Oh yeah?"
He popped out the water, tackling Night playfully. They rolled around, giggling. They had come to a stop but were still going at it. Night was now underneath Rain-Bow, who was on top of her. Night turned her head as Rain-Bow lowered his. Their noses touched. This was enough to make them open their eyes from laughing. They stopped laughing and were looking at each other, shyly. Rain-Bow drew back as Night sat up. He looked off into the distance. Night could notice that his cheeks were purple.
"Rain-Bow, are you blushing?", she asked. Rain-Bow recoiled a bit.
"What? No I'm not!"
Rain-Bow knew very well that he was.
"Besides, your a girl. Girls are... icky!"
Night merely giggled it off.
"Whatever you say."
Ever since that day, Night and Rain-Bow were the best of friends. They were always going on their own adventures together and when they weren't doing that, they slept by each other's sides in Night's bed after a long days' worth of adventures. They became closer with each passing day to where they saw each other as more than friends sometimes.

Presently, Night looked down then to Rain-Bow, who was still behind her.
"Boy, where did the time go?", Night asked flopping down onto the couch below the picture.
Rain-Bow shrugged.
"Beats me."
Night chuckled.
"Neither do I."
They both had a sense that it was nice to have each other's presence again after all the time they weren't together, but at the same time, something seemed off. Rain-Bow spoke up.
"Night?", he started.
She turned her head towards him.
"Yeah, Rain-Bow?"
He hesitated.
"I'm....... I'm sorry I left you all those years ago. It's just..... It wasn't your fault. You weren't the problem. It was me."
Night sat up.
"Rain-Bow, what do you mean. Everyone has a fallout in friendships at some point."
"Yeah, but...." He looked to her. "I could've done more than just leaving without saying a word to you or even leaving a note. Especially over something so stupid. Just, something would've been better than nothing."
Night got up and walked over to him. He looked down to her.
"Night, could you.... could you ever forgive me?"
Night smiled taking Rain-Bow's paw.
"Of course I could."
Rain-Bow smiled.
"Thank you. I.... I really do appreciate it."
They then hugged once more.

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