Chapter 8

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The professor was walking in his regular stroll with his hands waving in the air. He was very skilled at his work that I developed some kind of admiration. But not in a way you think, because my professor is an admirable person as well as throat slaying person.

I was doing my regular duty as a student, jotting the points that appear to be somewhat important or necessary. Maintaining my ears to be attentive all the time so that a single word won't be able to escape.

Then my phone vibrates inside my jeans pocket, my eyes widen with great anxiousness because the girl next to me was displaying quite an expression of disgust. She narrowed her eyes as if implying people like me are hopeless and utterly useless except for disturbing others.

I had the tendency to poke her eyes out but the continued vibration of my phone postponed the idea.

Dammit, I forgot to keep it inside my bag. And again the phone vibrated, creating an unpleasant commotion for the people sitting near me. They all stared at me not with pleasantly, but was telling me to take care of my business outside, not inside. Well, how do I explained them that it wasn't intentional?

When I checked it out, on the display of the screen it was written

An ass you like.

An ass I like??? Eww... I don't like his ass.

Why does he have to disturb me during the class hours?

My brows lifted so commonly that I forgot to get myself annoyed. Without giving it a heeds I pressed on the red button. Now I can focus on my studies. Taking a breath, my hands stretched out to keep it inside my desk, I was almost about to keep it inside my desk.

Suddenly the screen gleamed, the light hitting directly at my eyes. There was a message hanging at the top of the screen. In normal circumstances I wouldn't give it a second thought, and without any regret I would have ignored it, like a person would do on seeing a dog shit lying on the road. I don't want any hindrance in my studies, when I am determined to take full advantage of the lectures. But curiosity changed my determination, and weakened my institutions.

what excuses he have to disturb me?

I checked the message. I hope it won't be a waste of time.

Come out of your classroom, before it is too late.

What??? Why should I be doing that?

I launched my fingers on the keyboard as fast as possible typing;


Why not seek me out to get your answer?

" I don't want to."

I don't ask you of your opinion.

I clenched my teeth.

"Oh, is that so. Then I don't want to hear your opinion or be following your command."

You really get angry very fast. Sometimes it's really amusing, see I can't stop myself from giggling like a pervy old man.

"Huh! Aren't you pervy old man."

" Hey I accept I am a little pervy, but not an old man. Have you ever seen an old man as charismatic as me?"

" Can't you just come to the point? Let's just stop with this hopeless chat."

Why do you think it is hopeless? When I don't consider it to be.

" What??"

Find me.

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