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Y/N then met Renjun again and walked together to school, for the whole walk to school Y/N's heart was beating like crazy and Y/N was sure that Renjun had caught her face being red or even sweating even though it was only 6 in the morning and the weather was very cold.

" Oh yeah, Y/N our alumni are coming back today, "

Y/N just nods and was actually nervous as today the Visual Art club will be having their normal activity today and she hopes she would be able to fit in.

School time went normal except for the guys teasing both Renjun and Y/N. School ended and now Y/N was sitting in the art and craft room alone since her lessons ended earlier and Renjun had to get something. She decided to look at the sketchbook which she planned to returned later, while flipping she felt someone was behind her as she look behind. The man was actually behind her.

" Oh? Aren't you the girl from the cafe? "

The man asked and she nods, she was then surprised seeing what was printed at the of the man's shirt, North Arrow ' Visual Club ' Alumni, she could not believe it. The man from yesterday was actually an alumni from the school! The man sat next next to her and asked her some questions and even introduced each other.

" Senior Hongjoong, your art are so beautiful! "

Hongjoong smiles and said that she doesn't need to be formal, the two talk till other alumni came in the room and Hongjoong waves at them and Y/N saw Renjun behind them and he somehow looks piss and was death glaring at Hongjoong. Other students came inside and now the alumni were standing at the side.

" Good afternoon everyone! Very happy to see you guys again, and first of all let us welcome our new club members who will be joining the family! The 1st year students and as well our new transferred 3rd year student, Jeon Y/N. We are also very happy that our alumni could come back  and joining us! Thank you Senior Lee Taeyong, Senior Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul, Senior Kim Mingyu, Senior Xu Minghao and Senior Kim Hoongjoong for joining us! "

Renjun said and everyone clapped, and after that everyone started to draw and Y/N sat next to one of them and she was amazed seeing piece of art work. Halfway she needed a black marker and went to the nearby cupboard but was lost.

" Need help? "

Hongjoong appeared and helps Y/N find the marker and she thanked him. He sat beside her and taught her some more techniques and with his help, her artwork was beautiful. Hongjoong then noticed Y/N was stuck halfway and he held her hand, helping to draw it out. Y/N looks up and saw Renjun rolling his eyes. After that, Hongjoong left her and Y/N needed to go to the toilet.

While walking to the toilet, she overheard talking and realized it was Mingyu and Hongjoong.

" Renjun was giving you death glares, "

" No way! Don't tell me he is falling in love with Y/N? "

" Well he didn't say, but I am sure he is, "

" If Renjun and Y/N ever got together, I am supporting them! "

Y/N quickly made her way to the toilet while trying to calm herself down. Renjun?! Liking her?! That made wanting to scream but sadly she couldn't. After calming herself down she went back to her seat and continued with her drawing. Suddenly Renjun sat beside her and looks at her drawing.

" It looks very detailed and beautiful, "

Y/N thanks him for the compliment and the two talk not noticing that Taeyong and Minghao were taking picture of them while giggling to themselves. Finally the day was over and Renjun bid goodbye to Y/N.

" I can't believe you would give death glares at your favorite senior, "

Hongjoong said while jokingly head locking Renjun who was begging forgiveness. The other alumni came out and they started to tease him. The two of them started bringing out ideas to post online and Renjun then  begged the two seniors while saying their nicknames.

" Senior Ten and Senior The8, you guys better not post it online. PLEASE I AM BEGGING YOU! "

Ten and The8 looks at each other and grins, Ten places his hand over Renjun's shoulder and grins.

" This picture is actually beautiful and matching the aesthetic of my post feed but, if you still don't want to. Why not you treat us dinner, "

" DEAL! "

Renjun said as he drags Ten and The8 while to the nearest restaurant, while Taeyong, Mingyu and Hongjoong were laughing and tagged along. 

" No way! "

To Be Continued

Completing His Drawing | Renjun NCT FF (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now