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" Look Mr Kang, I really do not want to take the offer, "

Renjun just sighs and was pressured by the man who was looking at him. The principal, Mr Zhang Yixing, was actually trying to defend Renjun but he could not do anything as Mr Kang was at a higher position than Mr Zhang. Mr Kang even looked at Mr Zhang giving hints to do something.

" Look Renjun, why not you think about it? Beside you have until October, "

Renjun just sighs and listens to Mr Zhang and he was soon dismissed and he went straight to class. He enters and was already tired, he was tired of everyone and just want to have a normal life. Y/N saw how tired Renjun was and felt pity for him but she could not do anything as she was nobody to him. Finally school finished and the group of friends separate and went back home. 

" How was school? "

Y/N looks at her brother who was wiping dry some plates and she just sat down next to him, she made herself a cup of water and Wonwoo looks at her knowing she was tired. 

" Go and shower and get some rest, we will talk about it later during dinner, "

Y/N just nods and went upstairs as they are living in a shop house and the upper level is their house and the lower level is their cafe. Y/N washed up, did some work and when she was free, she finally laid her head on the pillow and rest for awhile before she sat up and decided to draw and she was actually happy of the outcome as she was about finish it, Wonwoo knocks on her door indicating dinner was ready. 

She sat down and Wonwoo sat in front of her and the two ate quietly before Y/N asked how was the cafe doing. Wonwoo said that customer wasn't that much and even sighs as the bills had already came, he was even scared not being able to pay not to mention Y/N's school fees and knew it won't be cheap. Y/N then suggested that she can start having a part time work aside from working at the cafe and even suggested that she would work at the cafe after school until 7 PM which is when the cafe closes and will work at a convenience store till 12 AM.   

" Look Y/N, we have talked about this before, "

Y/N tried reasoning with her brother but what she forgot of how sensitive Wonwoo was about the topic and how he doesn't like Y/N working  especially working till morning and being alone.

" Y/N! ENOUGH! "

 Wonwoo slams his utensils on the table which made Y/N scared, and even became more awkward, it is very rare for Wonwoo to be angry and no one dares to make him angry. Wonwoo just massage his forehead and he stood up and sat next to her and hugs her as Y/N's eyes became watery. 

" Look Y/N, I am sorry for shouting at you. You know how much I love you and I do not want you to be trouble. I just don't want to lose you, "

The accident suddenly flashed in her mind and now understands on why Wonwoo really protects Y/N. They continued with their dinner and the two siblings talked about their day was. Soon Wonwoo was reading his book and Y/N was drawing Wonwoo, it was actually common for Y/N drawing Wonwoo as he doesn't move around and just look like a model. 

" I never knew I was that handsome till you draw me every single time, "

Wonwoo grins and she rolls her eyes and continued to draw him. 

" Stop moving! "

Y/N whines and that's how their night went before going to sleep and getting ready for the next day. It was now morning and Y/N was getting ready for school and Wonwoo was already ready to open the cafe. 

" Be safe okay? "

Wonwoo said as Y/N grabs a sandwich made by him and exits the cafe. While walking she was amazed seeing the sunrise and decided to take a picture and she heard her name and she turned around and saw Renjun. He was walking towards her and her heart was beating fast, he waves at her and he did so too.

" Hey Y/N! "

Renjun seems happy and cheerful and very different from what he was yesterday. Both Renjun and her walked together to school and went into class. When they entered they were greeted with five guys smiling at them and Jaemin winks at Renjun. The two sat down and Renjun started explaining about the Visual Art club information and there was actually a meeting tomorrow. The day went on and another day of school was done, as soon as she step foot outside the school she made her way to the cafe and started helping Wonwoo out in the cafe. 

Y/N then heard the cafe bell ring and as soon she turned she saw a man entering the cafe and made his way to the table and Y/N attend to him. 

" Hello sir, what would you like to order today? "

The man looks at her and smiles, he order a cake with a milkshake. After serving him, he went to eat and complimented it. Y/N smiles and she continued on with her work. While walking around she suddenly saw the man drawing on his sketchbook and was surprised seeing his artwork. She was amazed till she did not notice the man was actually looking at her. 

" You like art? "

The man made her snap out her thoughts and she nods, the man asked her to sit down and since he was the only customer in the cafe and the man taught her about some techniques and made her eyes widen which made her cute. After for some time, the man taught her so much and even made her gain new knowledge about art. It was almost night and the man had to leave, he went to the counter where Wonwoo was standing.

" It's okay, you do not to pay, "

Wonwoo said as he smiles at the man but he insisted of paying but Wonwoo still denied. Wonwoo said that it is free of charge as the man taught Y/N about art and it would be rude to make him pay after he teaching her. 

" Thank you so much! I will definitely come here again, "

The man bid goodbye and he left. Wonwoo looks at Y/N and made a face towards.

" What? "

" You seem close with him. Who was he? "

" Here we go again, "

Y/N covers her ears not wanting a lecture about her being near guys and started cleaning the table and noticed a sketchbook and actually belonged to the man earlier. She saw an address and thought of giving to the man tomorrow.

" Let me introduce our alumni, "

To Be Continued

Completing His Drawing | Renjun NCT FF (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now