Part 31

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( Ben and Sally are 17)


Me and Sally are outside playing hide and seek. It was my turn to find Sally. Than i glanced over and saw Sally hiding in the bushes.

I than snuck up behide her and whisphered "I found you" in her ear.

She than jumped out of the bushes in shock. She turned and saw me standing there laughing at her. She than yelled out

"Fuck you"

and ran inside. I ran after her and said im sorry. She was sitting on her bed and i walked over to her. She looked up at me and i said

"Can i make you feel better."

She then nodded her head. i than kissed her with passion and ran my fingers through her hair. She looked up at me and blushed. I smiled at her and kissed her once more. I than ran my hand up her body and watched her blush. I smiled and said

"Are you ready for this"

"Yes" than she nodded her head. I kissed her cheek and slowly took off her dress.

To be continue

Sorry for not updating but if anyone still reads this .

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