Chaper 3: Jeff And Jane

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* small sex scene - Seth
*Bad language

Jeff POV

Slender Man left Jane and me to watch over Ben and Sally .

"Jeff I'm taking a shower . STAY OUT "

"Jane why would I walk on you taking a shower . I have to watch Ben and Sally ."

"Jeff you walk in on me in the shower 9 times a week . YOU ARE A FUCKING  P.."

"Just go take your fucking shower I won't come in"

*After Jane Shower*

I see Jane come down stairs in a towel . It came down to half her thighs .

I just had to move that towel up . I couldn't help but just look at Jane . Her long legs and her curves and her black raven hair and her black eyes and her soft black lips.

''What are you looking at Jeff"

"I'm looking at your and how wet it is"

"Cause I just got out the shower"

"Oh yeah  um...fix dinner bitch . We are hunger"

"Don't call me a bitch and why can't you fix it "

"Cause I don't know how to"

"Let me change first "

Then something came over me and I grab Jane and push her in Slender Man room and lock the door and looked at Jane .

"Jeff what are doing. Um Jeff  Hello Jeff "

I loved how she called my name "Jane I can't stop thinking about you and since we were kids I been wondering how your body feel and now that I see you  Oh my god  please let me be with you and I want to be with you everyday . I want to be that guy who hold your hand and kiss you and hug you and hold you when you cry . I need you Jane .

"Jeff then be with me and break Nina heart and be mine "

"I want to but your scary ass dad"

"Then we will keep it a secret Jeff"

"Jane you are my dirty little secret"

Then we kiss and went out to the kitchen and see Ben and Sally holding hands and kissing

"WHAT THE FUCK " was all I could say

Ben said "Jeff  Jane its not what it look like .Sally kissed me first ."

The next day


Jeff and Jane said that they wouldn't tell anyone . Sally and me were dating and I went up stairs and I see someone in the shower and I come in said "um sorry Jeff and um Nina but I have to pee so I will be right quick."

" Ben get the fuck out "

"Jeff I can't wait "

"Just hurry up"

" Fine but um Jeff isn't this Jane's panties in your hood pocket"


"Fine " I started to leave then Jeff yelled ''AND PUT THE PANTIES BACK ''

I did and went to my room.

Jane POV

Jeff is still sleeping and I didn't want to wake him so I got his hoodie and put it on and ran to my room to get a outfit. Then I went to check on Sally and I see Ben and Sally in bed (Not having sex just sleeping).  Ben was holding her in his arms. I went  back to Jeff's room and got dressed and put his hoodie back and then I went to the kitchen and see my dad and said "Good morning daddy"

"Good morning Jane. What's on your neck. Its look like a hickey"

I didn't know what to say because I knew I got it from Jeff . " Its not a hickey . Its a bruise. Jeff and me were fighting .

"Do you want me get him back"

"No daddy I'm OK"


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