Chapter 12 : You belong to me now

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??? POV

I see her and Jeff talking about the names . She belongs to me . I will get her back . But how .  Wait that little girl . Yes Sally is perfect. Let's see if she will play .

Sally POV


"Sally what did I do ''

"That's the thing Ben . You don't spend anytime with me ''

"That's why your mad ''


"Come on Sally ''

"I'm going to go play ''

I went into the woods and saw someone . He asked if I wanted to play . He had blood all over him . I was about to play in till Slendy called me. He gave me a box and said to give it to Jane and he left . I went inside and Jeff getting Jane anything she wants .

"Why can't Jane get the stuff ''

"Because she is sick and don't want anyone to get sick ''

''But won't you get sick''

''No ''

I went in the living room and saw Ben playing his game and I walked up to him and saw he was texting a GIRL . When he saw me he put his phone behind him . I just left and started to cry in my room. Then my friend came back and ask if I gave her the box . I shook my head no and he saw my tears and hugged me . After I stop I went to go give her the box . But I saw her asleep in Jeff arms . So I put the box next to her . I went to my room and saw him putting my stuff in a backpack.

"What are you doing ''

"Your daddy said I could take you on a trip ''

"Really "


"What's your name ''


"Are you Latis brother ''

"Yes I am "

"Can I bring Ben ''

"Sure "

I went and see Ben texting the same girl .

"Ben "

"What Sally ''

He said it without looking up at me . He doesn't love me .

"We are over ''


He just said OK . He doesn't love me . I ran into my room crying.

"Whats wrong Sally''

"No one loves me ''

"I love you ''

"Can I live with you ''

"Yes ''

I packed up all my stuff and left .  We went to his house and I went to sleep . In the morning we ate breakfast and he we went to the park and I met a boy . He was beautiful and he saw me looking at him. His smile was cute . I blushed and looked away . My new dad said we had to leave soon . He looked behind me and smile and said "Someone else also loves you .'' I looked behind me to see that boy .

"Hi "

"H-hi "

"What's your name "

"Sally "

"I'm Ben ''


"What's wrong"

"My ex boyfriend name was Ben . He said he loved me but he didn't''

"I swear I will love you ''

"Really "

Then he start to sing ''Your my one and only girl. Ain't nobody in the world tonight . All of the stars . You make them shine like they were ours . "

"Your good ''

"Thanks "

"Do you kill"

"Yes and I know you don't want a killer like me so I'll go"

"Who said I'm not a killer "

I took off my jacket to show my dress .

"Wow you are a killer "

"Yeah "

"Would you like to go on a date "

"Yes "

We made plans and I had to leave .

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