Chapter 10 : Sully

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OK when sully is talking its gonna be like this when its Liu talking it is like this. And when they are doing something its going to be like this.

Liu/Sully POV

I was walking when I found a note on the bed it said .

Liu I love you so much but I have to leave . I have to fight and I can't do that if I know we are still together . I'm sorry . Love Scarlet.

I can't believe that bitch would do this . Now who am I going to play with . Jane is crying . I should go cheer her up . I'm mean she is going to be my new Scarlet . Sully went to where Jane is and sat beside her .

"Jane what's wrong ''

''Jeff cheated on me ''

''Really that's horrible ''

"Where Scarlet ''

"She left me ''

''I'm so sorry ''

"Thanks . Jane I have the perfect place to go .''


Jane and me went to a barn and we went to the top to see the stars .

"Wow its beautiful ''

"Yeah you are ''

"What ''

''Nothing ''

"Why did Jeff do it ''

"I don't know but I know how to get back ''

"How ''

"Lay down ''

"What ''

"Shhh just do it ''

As Jane lie down . I was going to do what I want


Jeff has been in his room for hours and Jane been gone for hour .  I look out the and see Jane running and cover in blood with a knife in her leg . She came running inside asking where Jeff .


''What Ben ''

Jeff came downstairs and saw Jane . She hug him saying "I'm sorry and I forgive you '' and Jeff was happy but Jane still had a knife in her leg.

"Jane what happened to your leg.''


''Why would Liu get mad or hurt . ''

"Because Scarlet left him ''

'' Where is he ''

"I have no idea. He told me he had a way to get back at Jeff and I said how and he told me to lay down . Then he started to kiss me but I pushed him off and I try to run but he stab me in the leg and knock me out with something . When I woke up the top part of my dress was off and my bra unclipped and he craved something in my back but he wasn't their .''

Jeff POV

"Turn around and I will read it to you.''


Jane showed me her back .

''OK its says ''Everybody hurts ,Everybody bleeds ,Everybody blend to feel a need . Everybody born with their own cruse and I'm not alone . Everybody breathes , everybody wants to feel they're free . Deep inside I know I am wroth  a life of my own . It could have been much worse but it should have been better . I know I hurt you , deserted you , and now I see it clear . I pulled you closer , tighter,cause i knew you disappears. I just can't compromise , apologize there's nothing you can say . Oh we both knew , it would always end this way .  Everybody pains , Everybody breathes , Everybody's making off like thieves . Everybody soul's aching for release , You're not alone . Everybody lives , Everybody leaves , Everybody's got the same disease. No one alone .''

" OK Ben you tell Slendy and Jane come with me .''

I took Jane to my room and got her some stuff for her back .

"Jane ''

''Yes ''

''Why did you forgive me ''

"Because you did to help me and I don't want my son and daughter to grow up without a father .''

''Jane are you''

''Yeah ''

''I'm going to be a dad ''


OK I need baby names . Any kind .

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