Chapter 4: Love is in the air

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*Bad language


Sally and Me have a bet that Jeff likes Jane .  So I went and  talk to Jeff and see if he liked her but he said no  . It was dinner time and Slender man said to go get Jeff and his daughter Jane and to make sure he didn't kill her . So I went to go get them and I heard something break in Jane rooms . I got my sword and I went in and I screamed . What I saw scared the hell out of me.

Slender man (Jane 's Dad) POV

I hear a scream and so did the rest and I see Ben run down stairs scared . His eyes Wide open.  Nina came and said ''Jeff is up there . If she lands a finger on him I will kill her ''. I was worried about Jane . So we all went up stairs and Ben said it came from Jane's room .  Well he didn't speak just shook his head up and down or left to right .  I opened the door fast .  Jeff and Jane were both alive but they were in bed with each other.

Jane POV

I was scared . My dad just saw me having sex with the person  I hate the most .'' Dad its not  what it look like'' I said a little scared. I just stared at my dad . Then I jump and my eyes were big and I was red when Jeff grabbed my ass. He said ''We used a condom ''

Jeff POV

I knew I was going to die . So I grabbed Jane's ass one last time and I also said to her dad ''We used a condom '' .  Jane  just looked at me .''What . He should know that'' . Then Sally came up to me and said ''I knew you liked Jane . Now Ben has to give me $195 '' .   I saw Nina crying . ''Nina . I'm sorry but I don't love you and Slender man this isn't  just mean less sex .  I love Jane and I'm not going to break her heart . I'm going to be with her whether you like it or not''

Jeff POV

Everyone left me and Jane in her room. She was looking for her robe .

  I said ''What are you doing . We are alone and when people are alone and are dating .  They do fun stuff ''

''Are you kidding . I'm tried and we did it for 3 hours ''

I smirk and said ''Then come lay with me ''

She blush and lay down next to me .

In the morning I see Jane sleeping. I sneak out of her room and go down stairs.


Jeff is downstairs and I see him with ice .

Then I asked him "Why do you have ice"

"Jane Is really good in bed .Maybe too good"

"So Jeff you are going to put it on"

"Yes Ben . I'm going to put ice on my cock"

"How did it happen Jeff"

"Ben you are too young to learn about sex"

"Not that I mean you and Jane together"

"I don't really know but what about you and Sally"

"Well we were talking and playing and she showed me a video of a girl kissing a girl . (Katy Perry :I kiss a girl) . Then she said ''I wonder how it feels to do that but if I do daddy will get mad'' (Slender Man is Jane and Sally dad ).  Then I said " Well we won't tell . Deal . '' Then she said "OK ". Then we kiss. Then we stop and then we kiss again and I lay her on the bed .

"wait did you sex Sally "

"No and why do you have to say it like that''

''Then what"

"I saw what I was doing and i stop and left the room and later that night she came and ask why I stop and if we could be together ."

"Awww . Just wait till you fuck her .

"Ewwww . Shut up.

Jeff didn't see Slender Man come in and said "Why does Jane has to be good in bed "and put the ice on his cock. Slender was pissed .

"Jeff what did you say ".Slender Man said in a demon voice .

"Oh hi Slender . I know you are going to kill me but  um when you had sex with your wife . Did she pass the goodness in bed to Jane because she is very good in bed and she made my cock hurt while we were in bed and Sally and Ben are dating . ''

I wanted to die but when Slender threw Jeff out the window. He look at me and said "Take care of her please''and then he left .

Jane POV

I wake up to see no Jeff which got me pissed . I went down stairs to see Ben laughing his ass off . I look out the broken window and see Jeff on his ass.

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