Commencing Operation Bunny...

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Operation Bunny. That's what Dylan wanted to call it. They shook each others hands and talked about the plan together. They agreed to do some research about Freddy Fazbear's and most specifically the murdered children and the Springbonnie suit. Oswald also told Dylan about how Ben also traveled back in time just like he did. Dylan wanted to give it a shot but Oswald immediately told him no and what he had to experience.

Then, as they were back in recess, Oswald saw the new girl, Gabrielle pass by. She waved a little hello and smiled a rather sweet smile. Oswald blushed slightly and Dylan noticed immediately.

"Is that your girlfriend or something dude?" he said while laughing. Oswald whacked him on the head with his sketchbook playfully and his face turned tomato red. Dylan laughed some more, even more harshly this time.

"So you do like her! I knew it!" said Dylan, tears forming in his eyes due to laughing.

"Shut up! Yes! Yes I do! Shut up she's not that far away from us!" said Oswald, hiding his flushed face behind his sketchbook. Gabrielle looked at them confusedly. Why were they laughing so much at her? Was it because of her taste in literature? She did have a Greek mythology book tucked between her arms but no one really judged her on what she read, neither did they have a problem. She started to approach them for a conversation.

"Hey Oswald! What's up?" said Gabrielle while sitting down next to them on the bench, placing the book on her lap. Oswald's face turned even redder than before. Gabrielle looked at him confusedly. His face was never really like that. 

"Are you okay Oswald? This isn't like you." said Gabrielle while leaning sideways in order to examine his red face. Dylan, who was sitting behind Gabrielle gave him hand gestures in order to help him try and talk to her. He started giving thumb-up gestures which meant Oswald had to give her a nice compliment.

"Ummmm yeah I'm okay! Anyway, you look nice today..." he said, baring his teeth right after and clutching his sketchbook as tightly as he could.

"Oh thanks. Ummmm... you draw?" she said, eyeing his sketchbook which was on his lap. Oswald's hands were sweating so much, that he was afraid he was going to soak the sketchbook like that. He then nodded slightly. "Do you mind if I check out your drawings?"

Oswald handed her the sketchbook, his hands trembling. He's never felt this way before. She grabbed the sketchbook out of his hand and skimmed through the pages. There was an animatronic there, its fur seemed to be ripped apart, revealing a rather terrifying endoskeleton. She turned a few more pages and saw some notes and doodles. These couldn't possibly be for class, could it?

"What's this?" she asked with concern. On it read, "Operation Bunny". What was that? she wondered. Oswald leaned in close to where she was holding the sketchbook and immediately snatched the sketchbook away. She couldn't know about that. First, he had to explain this to his bully and now his crush? She was probably going to call him dumb and humiliate him. That'd be a rejection for him. He closed the sketchbook and put it back in his bag. Gabrielle's usually cheerful face then turned into a frown. She crossed her arms.

"What are you hiding from me? Is it something I shouldn't know about? And what is Freddy Fazbear's Pizza anyway?" she asked. Dylan, still behind him, gave smacked his face and shook his head in utter disappointment. This wasn't going well.

After Dylan told Gabrielle about what happened instead of Oswald, she was shaking with fear. He'd been kidnapped? No matter why he was so shocked when Gabrielle, on the first day of school, said the word "brave" while talking about her Greek mythology. He needed to be brave when being held hostage. And others saw that animatronic bunny as his dad? All of this shocked her but that didn't mean she didn't believe what Dylan told her.

"I can help! I remember when my dad was in his mid-20s during the 1980s, he said the scariest crime he'd ever had to investigate was a murder in a birthday party place. I can ask him about it. To this day, he couldn't stop thinking about it. He said he couldn't find the bodies. I can ask him where it was and who the suspect was though obviously it seems to be the bunny." said Gabrielle, her eyes shining. Great, now Oswald got more people involved in this. But he needed as much as he could get.

She waved them both goodbye and headed to her next classes. Oswald had to get to English while Dylan said he had History. Then, just as he promised himself, right when dismissal rolled around, he got into the bus and took out his sketchbook and started writing down the many reasons as to how the bunny could travel through time just as he did. Also, why did others see the bunny as his father but only him and his cat, Jinx, see him as what he really is? Ever since that day, he had a lot of questions that stuck to him like a magnet. He was going to learn that later on. 

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