Into The Pit (Story #1) Aftermath

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Oswald and his dad went straight home. It was very awkward once they got into the car. But Oswald then and there promised himself he'd never go into a ball pit again. It was hard to explain to his dad what happened. He'd probably end up in a mental hospital or get a psychologist which he didn't want. Besides, who was going to believe him that a creepy bunny kidnapped him in his own home and he traveled back in time all thanks to a ball pit? No one. Absolutely no one.

"Alright bucko, we're home! But we seriously need to get that arm patched up. Sure enough your mom has something we can use. She's on her shift but they're all in the cupboard. And gosh does that wound look bad. Are you sure you scraped your arm?" said Oswald's caring dad, Josh.

"Yeah dad. I did scrape my arm. I guess there was something extremely sharp there." said Oswald, holding his arm out so his dad can patch it up.

"Wait. Why was I in that ball pit by the way kiddo? And how did you know I was there?" said Oswald's dad. He then remembered. There was a creepy yellow bunny with huge, buckteeth who dragged him down and then he fell unconscious. But he didn't remember anything else.

"Kid. I may sound crazy and you're not telling anyone this or you're grounded. Was there a yellow-looking bunny there?" asked Oswald's dad with concern. They both sat on the living room couch in silence, while there was a football game going on from the TV. 

They sat in silence once more. Josh (dad) sat in silence. This wasn't normal. They had to file some kind of police report on it. His own wife saw himself instead of the bunny. Oswald rushed up to his room. He couldn't take this anymore. He needed to figure out the truth behind all this. That bunny could still be lurking in the dark, hunting. But why didn't he kill him immediately like all the other kids? Why did he intend to take care of him and not do any harm towards him until they were back in the pizzeria? That raised a lot of questions. 

He tried to go to sleep but nothing worked. So he had the decision of then staying up. There were going to be nightmares filling up his head. He went onto his old flip-phone and started texting his friend, who he missed very much.

Hey bro. How ya' doin? - Oswald

Pretty swell dude. Miss ya'. How was your summer?- Ben

Interesting. Surprisingly.- Oswald

Oooooo what happened? - Ben

Oswald thought for a moment. If his dad could believe him, so could Ben. Even though when he traveled through time, he swore to himself he'd never tell anyone what happened. But Ben was his best friend. So what choice did he have?

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