Chapter Fifty-Three: The Annoying Beetle

Start from the beginning

She looked taken back and Harry once again shoved the door with his shoulder trying to get out.

Only this time the door opened to reveal a boy with black hair and a blue streak running down the front of their hair. He stood tall and was wearing the Slytherin robes proudly, he looked about 17 and oddly familiar but he couldn't quite put his finger on it.

Thanks to @EndWeb for the character!

"Um, are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, thanks I was just being questioned by..." Harry trailed off when he looked back and found no Rita Skeeter?

"That's weird she is gone?" Harry muttered.

"Huh?" The boy asked confused.

At that point, a small beetle came scuttling out of the broom closet and realization came over the boy's face.

"Quick get me a jar!" He exclaimed and Harry fumbled around in the broom closet before pulling out a clear jar.

"Here!" Harry thrust it at the boy and he took it just before slamming it down trapping the said beetle.

"Umm... Why did you do that?" Harry asked as he handed the boy the lid.

"Because this isn't a normal beetle, this beetle is actually Rita Skeeter's unregistered animagus form," The boy said.

"Really? How do you know," Harry exclaimed bending down next to the boy to look into the jar.

"When it was a slow news day she decided to come into Hogwarts and get the 'goss' so she spied on some students including me and found out that I am transgender and outed me to my family and everyone in an article saying that the LGBTQ+ are taking over. Anyway, I got kicked out and whatnot." The boy said staring bitterly at the beetle.

"That is awful!" Harry exclaimed, "Do you stay at Hogwarts?" 

"I do now, originally I stayed with Professor Snape and Tom for a week or two until it was cleared that I could stay at Hogwarts," The boy exclaimed.

"You know Tom?" Harry asked.

"Yeah I do, he gave me this mark," The boy lifted up his sleeve and showed a black mark that looked an awful lot like a tattoo, "to protect me, it alerts him if I am in danger and he comes to help," 

"That's so cool," Harry muttered, "Oh sorry how rude of me I am Harry," Harry said extending his hand to the boy.

"I know who you are Harry, I am Angela," Angela said chuckling.

"Nice to meet you," Harry replied laughing as well.

"You too, formally I mean, you are kind of the talk of my year," Angela commented holding up the jar to the light.

"I am?" Harry asked confused, closing the broom closet door.

"Yeah, you and Draco, cutest couple out, we all ship you guys!" Angela exclaimed.

Harry went slightly pink in the face, "Oh you guys do?" 

"Yep, which leads me to the question of how are you going to ask Draco to the ball?" Angela asked.

Harry's face turned white again as he thought about his previous predicament, "If I am being honest I don't know, I don't want it to be tacky but he loves grand gestures and I am kind of stumped?" Harry admitted.

"Oh my! Can I help?" Angela asked excitedly.

"I'd love your help! But one thing first... What are we going to do with Skeeter, I don't want her annoying Draco?" Harry asked.

"True, well don't worry about that it is time for my revenge so she will stay in this jar for a while," Angela said bitterly at the beetle in the jar.

"Sounds good to me!" Harry chuckled.

"Yep! Okay so I will go put this in my room then I will be out and we can talk about your promposal," Angela said excitedly before running back in the direction fo the Slytherin common room.

Harry simply stared in the direction slightly confused, "We're the talk of their year?"Harry muttered before taking a seat next to the closet waiting for him to return.

Only when he did he came with four other Slytherins, all seemingly in the same year as Angela.

And all holding folders that had 'Drarry' written on the front.

Harry's eyes almost popped out of his head, "Um what are those folders?" 

"Oh don't worry about those, they are just some ideas that we all had, do you want to go somewhere more private so Draco doesn't hear about it?" Angela asked.

"Um yeah sure..." Harry answered, wondering if he had made the right decision in getting their help.

"Okay cool let's go," Angela said happily.

-------------------------Time Skip To That Night :) --------------------------------

"What are you doing?" Draco asked confused, "We have been on this treasure hunt for half an hour now and you haven't even told me what we are looking for?"

"I did so tell you, it's a pot of gold, like the Irish tell it," Blaise defended.

"That's at the end of a rainbow, not a treasure hunt," Draco corrected laughing.

"Come on guys the last clue said that if we follow the spiders we will find the end and we are following the fake spiders glued to the floor," Theo said reading the clue once again.

"You're just mad cause Harry isn't with us," Blaise teased.

"Am not!" Draco defended.

"Are too, you've been moping since lunch," Blaise teased him once again.

Draco huffed, "Well I haven't seen him all day,"

"Poor Draco," Theo teased joining in.

"Not you too!" Draco complained.

Theo started laughing, "Come on I have a funny feeling that it ends just around this corner," Theo said giving Blaise a wink.

'Why was that so specific, I swear you two if something jumps out at me I will tell Harry that one of you tried to kiss me and he will literally kill you," Draco warned to which they both just laughed.

Once they walked around the corner, Harry was standing in the middle of the corridor, holding a bouquet of flowers, whilst the Slytherins held up a sign behind him saying "Will you go to the Yule Ball with me Draco?"

Draco stopped in his tracks when he saw this.

His face instantly lit up with the biggest smile and he ran towards Harry, engulfing him in the biggest hug it almost sent him flying to the floor.

"So will you go to the Yule Ball with me?" Harry asked once Draco had pulled away, the smile still prominent on his face.

"Of course I will! Was that even a question!" Draco exclaimed giving Harry another huge hug.

Harry chuckled, "I hoped you'd say that," 

Harry then gave Draco the big bouquet of flowers and grabbed his hand, sliding on a beautiful corsage, "For the ball," Harry whispered softly, smiling at his beautiful boyfriend.

A/N Hey guys thanks again to @EndWeb for the character of Angela! 

I hope everyone is staying safe and is healthy and having an amazing start to Pride Month!

Remember to be kind, it seems the world needs it at the moment.

#Blacklivesmatter <3

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