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I woke up to the phone ringing. I must've fallen asleep on the couch because that's where I was when I had woken up.

I yawned, rubbed my eyes, and checked the time. It was already almost noon. It was a Sunday, so Darry already must've left for work. I guess Soda decided to let me sleep in. Or more likely he was sleeping in himself because he didn't have to go to work.

I grabbed the phone and held it to my ear sleepily. "Hello?"

"Ponyboy, is that you?" Said a familiar voice on the other line.

Suddenly all the sleepiness left my body. "Dally?" If he was calling, it must mean-

"She's awake." He told me.

"Oh my God. How is she?" I exclaimed.

"She's doing really well. The doctor said some shit like she might lose her memories because of the brain surgery, but as far as we know she hasn't forgotten anything at all, which is good."

"I'm on my way right now!" I slammed the phone down and ran upstairs. "Soda!" I called for my brother, "Soda! Dally called and we can see Emily! She woke up and visitors are allowed!"

Just as I had expected, Soda was still asleep in our bed.

I shook him awake and finally explained to him what was happening.

He shot up out of bed immediately. "I'll get dressed and start the car."

I got dressed as well, as fast as I possibly could. Then I brushed my teeth and greased my hair back. I still wanted to look good when I see Emily. I felt my stomach leap at the thought of her.

When I woke up I thought I'd be in the empty hospital again with Johnny. Instead I was in a hospital bed with wires connected to my arms and tubes up my nose and down my throat.

Dally was slumped down in a chair next to my bed, fast asleep. His head was against my thigh and his hand was interlocked with mine. The sight of it almost made my eyes water.

I craned my neck to find a clock on the side table by the bed. It was just around 11.

I turned back towards Dally. He was still sleeping.

I remembered what Johnny told me about my arm. My left one, the one closest to Dally, I couldn't move it. I couldn't really feel anything past my elbow, and I knew this because I figured it would be in a lot of pain if I could. I felt my brothers hand in mine, that's it.

I watched him for a minute trying to decide when to wake him up. From what I could tell, he hasn't left my side. He must feel real shitty about the fact that I took a bullet for him. As he should.

I remembered what else Johnny said though, about how I "had it all wrong" about Dally.

I reached over with my right arm and lightly shook his shoulder. "Dal'... wake up, Dally."

He groggily sat up and rubbed his eyes, but when he saw me awake all the sleepiness seemed to leave his body.

"Oh my god you're awake! Golly, you sure had me worried! How do you feel?" He exclaimed.

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