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It's just over two years since the day Johnny died. A lot has changed.

The gang pretty much split. Johnny was the glue holding it all together, and after he died, everyone grew apart.

Two Bit moved away, somewhere on the west coast. I think that's good for him. We haven't spoken in years, though. I hope he's doing well. Knowing him, he is.

Steve still works at the DX. He's always been mean but I still say hello when I see him. I barely ever do though. Just a quick, "Hey, how are you?" Every time. No major catching up.

As for the Curtis', they still live in the same little house. Darry still builds roofs and Soda still works at the DX. After years of Sodapop and I being best friends, we don't talk much anymore at all. The only times we do are when I see him at the DX like with Steve. And that's rarely.

Ponyboy is a senior about to graduate. We aren't together anymore... we just grew apart I guess. Johnny would've graduated last year. Alice and I are still Juniors. Ponyboy doesn't have the same lunch as us this year, and mostly when I see him around he's with the other varsity track kids. We only ever wave as we pass eachother in the hallway.

Dally, surprisingly, has a long term girlfriend, Callie. The first girl he has been exclusive with and hasn't just used her for just sex. Dally's not the same guy he used to be. He's changed, for the better.

He's got an amazing job and now we are more financially stable. It's also helped that Callie works at the Dingo and she hooked me up with getting a job there and picking up a few shifts. I like Callie. She moved in with us a year and a half ago after she dated Dally for a few months. They're so in love. I'll admit, I get jealous sometimes that my brother has found his soulmate and I haven't yet, but I'm still hopeful and I'm really happy for the two of them.

About a month ago, Dallas and Callie sat me down and explained how Dally's job had offered him a higher position. That would mean he would get a big raise. And I mean like, a big raise.

There was one catch though. The new job was in.... surprise, surprise... New York City. Wow. I think everything does come full circle.

They asked if I would be okay moving there. Of course, I agreed.

Still it is sad that I'm leaving behind the life I've always known in Tulsa. I would miss sneaking into the drive in, late nights at the Dingo, and of course, what I would miss most of all, Alice. But I think the move would be good for me to start over.

Everything here reminds me of Johnny. And it's hard. Some days I feel like I'm okay, climbing the stairs at a normal pace and not being sad. But other days, I miss a step. My heart drops and I can't stop crying and a huge wave of sadness washes over me.

I also get reminded of that night at the park, and the night I got shot. It's hard. I try my best, but sometimes I still wake up dripping sweat and screaming from nightmares. Dallas and Callie think moving away could help, and I agree. Today's our last day in Oklahoma.

As night began to fall, Dally was loading the car to get ready to leave for the airport in an hour. I'd already said goodbye to Alice. A lot of tears were involved with that. She just left. Now I've got to say goodbye to one more person. Johnny.

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