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A/N I've been having some issues with all my writing being saved, last night I had to rewrite a whole section and apparently the end of chapter 15 also got cut off! I just fixed it so for those if you who saw the unfinished version, I'm sorry :( . It's fixed now so you can go back.

I woke up to Pony lightly shaking my shoulder.

"Emily," he whispered, "wake up".

I opened my eyes and looked around. The car was empty except us two. We were parked in front of the Curtis'.

"Dally said you guys are staying here tonight," Pony explained. I nodded.

He helped me out of the car and was really gentle with my bandaged hand.

When we got inside, everyone else was already there. Whoever hadn't rode with us in the car had taken a bus back.

It was only around 8, but I was still really tired after the days events. I honestly just wanted to go to bed, but I know I should shower. I can't remember the last time I did...

"I'm gonna shower," I announced to everyone.

"Hurry up," Pony said, "I'll go after you."

I nodded and went upstairs.

When I got in the bathroom, I stared at myself in the mirror. I looked terrible, to say the least. My hair was really splotchy blonde/brown from the peroxide and it was knotted pretty bad. My face was covered in ashes from the fire and so were my clothes. My sleeves had literal holes from catching fire.

I undressed and tossed my shirt and pants into the trash can. They were so past gone, that there was no point in trying to save those.

I wrapped myself up in a towel and grabbed my bra and underwear. I quickly threw them in the washer in the laundry room and turned it on because I'd need those after I showered.

After that, I went back into the bathroom and turned the shower on. Once it got fairly warm, I stepped in and let the water run over me for a while.

Then I grabbed a bottle of soap and washed myself, and scrubbed some shampoo in my hair. Based on the smell, I could tell it was Ponyboy's. His hair smells the exact same as it. I didn't mind.

I had to wash my hair about 5 times before the smoky smell from the fire came out. There was still a small trace of it, though. Then I put in some conditioner and brushed out the knots in my hair as well as I could. It was really tangly, but I think I got most of it out. It was kinda difficult with only one good hand.

I turned the shower off and stepped out, grabbed a towel, and opened the door into the hallway.

Ponyboy stepped out of his room. His stuff was all in there but he sleeps in Soda's room with him ever since his parents... yeah.

"I left a pair of sweatpants and a shirt for you to wear on the bed," he said, "they might be kinda big, though."

I smiled. "Thanks, Pony."

I waited until he shut the bathroom door to go in the laundry room to switch my stuff in the dryer. Once I did that, I went inside Ponyboy's room.

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