Nice to see you again Nathalie

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It's been 1 and a half years since Gabriel has seen Nathalie. But every day Gabriel has become more and more impatient of wanting to see Nathalie. But for some reason, he has also lost feelings for Emilie now he wonders... was him being Hawkmoth a wast of time? Has he been arrested for no reason for years? Why did he do all of that just to feel like there was no point in risking all he could for Emilie?

"Gabriel... Gabriel Gabriel!" Emilie said as she watched her husband scrolling through pictures of Nathalie when she was still in high school

"Yes, Emilie what do you need?" Gabriel said turning off his phone looking back at Emilie

"Are you still upset about Nathalie being gone because of the wish?" Emilie said wrapping her arms around Gabriel's waist sitting behind him

"Yes, I am. I just wonder when I'll see her again..." Gabriel said 

"You can always see her in the basement you know," Emilie said pointing downstairs towards the office

"I mean actually talk to her." He said with a slight smile

"If you're still considering talking to her even if she's dead your going crazy!" Emilie yelled surprised to her Gabriel say that

"Well, I'd rather be crazy then not see Nathalie again!" Gabriel said bursting into tears

"Woah Gabriel there's no need to cry," Emilie said rubbing Gabriel's back

"I cried for years when you were gone will you even let me cry for at least a day!?!" 

"But I don't like to see you cry..."

"Neither did Nathalie but she Never told me to stop!" 

"Mother father, what's all the noise about?" Adrien said rubbing his red eyes

"Adrien if you rub your eyes it's going to get redder," Gabriel said opening his arms so Adrien can give him a hug

"I never wanted this to happen!" Adrien said as he ran towards his father bursting into tears returning the hug

"I know but it will get better I promise," Gabriel said running his fingers through Adrien's hair

"For me you Adrien Nathalie or all of us?" Emilie asked 

"All of us I promise," Gabriel said getting up and placing Adrien on the bed

"I'm going for a walk ok Emilie," Gabriel said leaving the bedroom and walking downstairs as he put his hands in his pockets

~Thiry minutes later~

"Hey, Agreste!"

"What do you want Chad," Gabriel said annoyed 

"You know what I want Gabriel Agreste," Chad said walking towards Gabriel 

"You knew from the start when she broke up with you she wasn't coming back for you Chad," Gabriel said rolling his eyes

"Don't be so rude you'll regret it!" Chad hissed 

"What are you going to do talk my money from my pockets and make a run for it?" Gabriel laughed

"Nope, I got something better." Chad smiled cracking his knuckles 

"What are you going to do Chad?" Gabriel said walking back as Chad came closer 

"Lights out Agreste," Chad said as he punched Gabriel in the face

~In Chads basement~

"Good morning Agreste. You know I thought about it and I think that Nathalie's name should never be Agreste because it's an insult." Chad said as he walked Infront of Gabriel when he woke up

"Who said I wanted to marry her?" Gabriel asked

"You did... Wow, your dum and you have bad memory I would never want to be with you of I was Nathalie." Chad laughed

"You're the dumb one." Gabriel grinned

"You wait and see..." Chad said knocking Gabriel out again

"What was that about!?!" Gabriel yelled realizing that he's still in Chad's basement but now his eyes are covered with a ribbon

"I'll answer all your questions after you tell me where Nathalie is." Chad sad walking around the chair where Gabriel was sitting 

"I'm sorry to break it to you but you won't see her anymore..." Gabriel said with a sad voice

"You're not telling me what your thinking right!" Chad yelled trying to hold back his tears

"I don't know what do you think I'm telling you?" Gabriel said with an annoyed tone

"You killed her didn't you... didn't you!" Chad yelled

"What are you talking about I would never!"

"Liar!" Chad said punching Gabriel in the stomach

"H-How can you assume that I'm lying," Gabriel said with pain in his voice

"I don't assume I know!" Chad said punching him again

"Why are you taking it out on me I didn't do anything!"

"Yes, you did! You took my love! You took my happiness! You took everything!" Chad yelled punching Gabriel over and over again 

"P–Please stop..." Gabriel groaned in pain on the floor

"Why should I you b–" Chad said Gatting knocked out from behind 

"N–Nathalie?" Gabriel said trying to get up from the floor still tided to the chair

"Yes I'm here you'll be fine," Nathalie said untieing Gabriel from the chair so he could get up

"I'm glad you back Nat," Gabriel said smiling

"Well I have a place that I want to take you it's nice I think you'll like it," Nathalie said taking Gabriel to the forest

"Are you ready Gabriel?" Nathalie asked excited to show him how beautiful the forest was at the time

"I'm ready to see what you wanted to show me," Gabriel said sitting down

"Here you go..." Nathalie said taking off the ribbon

"Wow, it's wonderful..." Gabriel said looking up at the forest threes reflecting off the moonlight

"Yes, it is..." Nathalie said sitting down right beside Gabriel

"Nathalie have you ever wondered why the world was made with so many things that make life miserable but if you had the choice to remake the world how whole be if everything was great?" Gabriel asked looking towards Natalie as she looked at him like he asked her to do rocket science

"No I haven't why do you ask?"

"I was just wondering no need to worry about it..." Gabriel said looking back at the stars

"Oh ok."

They've been sitting there for a while and Gabriel wanted to spice things up between him and Nathalie so he decided to grab some mud from beside him and smother it all over Nathalie's face 

"What was that for?!?" Nathalie yelled looking back a Gabriel like he was about to get murdered by her

"You're going to kill me aren't you?"

"You'll see~" Nathalie smiled 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2020 ⏰

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